Friday, March 18, 2011


JR's & SR's

Wotd Test  ---Complete and Turn into the Sub

Watch Video:  ---> Lighting Set UP
We will be doing photo shoots next week.

Answer these question on a sheet of paper.
1. What is a standard lighting setup called
2. What are the 3 lights
3. List each light and what does each light do?
4. What light do you use and how for head shots?
5. What does over exposure do?
6. What is the Rembrandt effect?
7. List 2 things that the  Rembrandt does?

Read Article ----> HEAD SHOTS
Take Notes  -they will be allowed on the quiz on Monday

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Homework -->Write out the terms and definitions for each word from the PAST 3 Weeks. This is due first thing on Friday morning. Turn them into the sub.

March 23 Taste of Grove City at SWCA  <----U know who U r
Be in professional dress (including their BPA & dress slacks) at 3:15 pm for a training session in the Administrative Conference Room, and will begin providing tours at 4. They will be finished at 8 pm.

Complete a tutorial from the web that uses ANIMATION that is for Photoshop CS3.  You must save the link to show me the tutorial the get credit. Animation should be somewhat difficult.  Don't just make a ball bounce. Assignment Worth 25 pts.

1. Complete a Word Doc with 5 Links to different Web Sites that you like as samples. In order to get credit the file needs to be created and completed on Thursday. I will look at the file preferences data to insure that this completed in class on Thursday. Assignment Worth 25 pts.

2. COMPASS Test Tuesday March 22. Date changed announced to class yesterday. Save $$ and study now. Seek a teacher for help in there subject area . I am sure that they could give you a little refresher.

Specifically Look at These sample items illustrate the types of questions students will encounter in the COMPASS® placement measures:

More Sample QuestionsYou may download PDF versions of additional sample questions for COMPASS placement measures. Each file includes answers to all the sample questions.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011



College Visit Today AI - The Art Insitiute

Taste of GC March 23 - 3:15 to 8 (free food)
1.  Need Pres & VP or other Volunteers
2.  4 TOTAL People -  2 JR's & 2 SR's

Thur & Friday + Monday Plans  JR- Bring NMD Book Thurs & Friday

BPA State People Show up at 8am Prof Dress or change in bathroom if needed
Jostens Naming

COMPASS Test Date Change March 22 (Info Today)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



Last minute check:  Does Anyone have any files that they did not submit for the Wrestling video?
Continue Animation:  30 minutes to finish.
Edit names for Students on Jostens

Finailze Tally
Create Shoot List
Edit names for Students on Jostens

Duplicate DVD
Provide 3 Web Examples to Emulate

Monday, March 14, 2011



2 Long periods

Bumper & Sticker/DVD Case
Personality sorts
Yearbook Proof & Planning
Web Planning



PS Animation:  Animate a cartoon or a stick figure cartoon.

Animation Requirements:
1. Create a Pre-loader
2. Create an environment
3. Create a character or use a already created one
4. Should have a theme
5. Use Tweening