Friday, August 24, 2012


Student info/mangagement system
go to ---->

Certi-port   ---> IMD:\Templates\Certi-Port

Company Creation

Generating BusinessAs in any business, your freelancing career is only as strong as the sales you make. Finding clients is the number-one challenge for any freelancer just starting out. It's almost a catch-22: How do you attract clients when you've never had any? Here are some practical steps that will propel you out of the conundrum and into business:
  1. Develop a portfolio to demonstrate the scope of your skills.If that means working for no pay or low pay initially, do it. Samples of your work will be your best calling card.
  2. Tell everyone you know--colleagues, friends, family, neighbors--about your new freelance gig.Referrals will make up the bulk of your business initially.
  3. Join professional organizations--online or in the community--that serve your field.In addition to all the other benefits you'll gain, you'll also pick up insider tips of where to find work.
  4. Join local organizations, like the chamber of commerce or Rotary club."Creative people often overlook organizations like these, thinking they'll be filled with stiff bankers and businesspeople," notes James-Enger. "And they may be--but that's who'll be hiring you to do your creative work."
  5. Volunteer in the community doing something you love, and you'll broaden your network of potential clients.
Where do you start???
Company Brainstorming

Review Word of The Day
Review Clone Stamping and Content Aware
Introduce Pupet Warp --> VIDEO
Lesson File Location- \\Srv71\imd\Templates\Photoshop
Open -->Giraffe and Giraffe puppet

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Welcome to Day 2

JR- Photoshop Lesson Content Aware

Planning out the year
Company Creation
Jump Drive INFO