Friday, December 14, 2012


IMD Weekly Time Card Report / Turn In

Progress Check In Grade

Walk yourself thru Day BY Day of this WK 2C if U R missing anything

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Continue on BPA

I will do spot checks today on your progression.

Look at the blog from Mon-Wed to see if you have all things complete

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This is transition time:

Video, News Brod. DMP
Move the ideas from your head to paper to a production list
Look at the IMD Templates \ Video \ Other Stuff
1. Call sheets
2. Location Releases
3. Scouting Sheet
4. Script Break Down
5. Shot List Template
6. Several Versions of Story Boards

Inside of the IMD \ Templates \ BPA
you will find a Release Form
This will be needed for any video, photo or audio used by anyone in your video including yourself.

Combine your, tagline thoughts with your scavenger hunt info and see what you can come up with that all goes together.
DESIGN Spec's ---- 8W x 10H @ 300 dpi
Design must have BPA Logo and BPA tagline

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


GDP -Research doc - Scavenger Hunt

Broadcast Teams-print out research for new stories - Have completed blocked treatment & storyboard end of day

Video Team- print Have completed blocked treatment & storyboard end of day Continue to research technology related to video- Green screen, slow-mo, camera movements and such

Global Marketing-Get a handle on exactly what you need to do. Print a copy of the marketing plan as listed in the BPA Event guideline. Writel in info for marketing plan

Entrepreneurship - Continue to develope product ideas. Print copy Business Plan from BPA Event guideline

Monday, December 10, 2012


GDP -Generate 2 sketches of a logo that supports your tagline.   Develop a color pallet base on Color Wheel & Scheme's Choose an effective font

Broadcast Teams-have fully developed stories ready to do news release to me. Brainstorm script and storyboard. Have a completely blocked treatment & storyboard tomorrow.
Generate your interview questions.---Research best font for TV

Video Team- Brainstorm script and storyboard. Have a completely blocked treatment & storyboard tomorrow. Generate your interview questions.--Research best font for TV . Continue to research technology related to video- Green screen, slow-mo, camera movements and such

Global Marketing-Get a handle on exactly what you need to do. Print a copy of the marketing plan as listed in the BPA Event guideline.

Entrepreneurship - Continue to develope product ideas. Print copy Business Plan from BPA Event guideline