Friday, March 16, 2012


Turn in WOTD HW to sub

Take test for WOTD
Turn that into sub

Read this article & Answer the questions below
Article and Qs' are availabe in IMD Templates
Hand write your answers on a sheet of paper 
DO NOT Type or Copy & Paste Answers
1.GUI Computers, Who started it?
2.Who was more Successful & Why?
3.Which is more popular, Statistically.
4.Who Uses What?
5.Mac users consist of:    Name 5
6.Windows users basically consist of the following:  Name 5
7. Name 2 key findings in the report were as follows:
8. What does it say about Comparing Tech Specs & Features
9. So which is Best for You?

Turn into sub when complete- DUE Today

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Wotd HW  JR  +  SR     <---Sub will hand out
[Complete HW assignment AFTER watching and doing video assignment]

Watch Video --Basic Lighting Techiques
LOCATED:  N:\Templates\Photography   < ---in Templates
Take Notes & Answer these questions
1. How far should camera be positionsed above subjects face?
2. What does the key light do?
3. What is the strongest light?
4. What does the fill light do?
5. Adjust the fill light to create ______________?
6. Flat light is also know as ___________?
7. What is the 1:1 used for?
8. What is the 2:1 light meter say about the key and fill light?
9. When would you use 3:1 ratio lighting?
10.Which lighting ratio is extremely  harsh with 5 stop difference?
11.What is the 3rd light?
12.What does the 3rd light do?
13.What do you do to create rim light?
14.The larger the ratio the more ____________you will see?
15.What cause banding?
16: What does banding look like?
16.What format should you shoot in to aid with eliminating banding?

Turn this assignment into the sub when complete: DUE end of Classs

Any additional time can be spent studying for tomorrow WOTD Test
Working on missing items, looking up more photography stuff.
Or read this --->  99 ways to make $ with Photography

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Wotd 23 + 30
Talk about Thurs & Friday

State Competitors:
Meet in my room at 8am in PD w/ all forms 2mrO--JR's Med Form TAKE 2day

Reading & Comprehension:  Online Reputation Management is Key to Finding a New Job
--Be able to have small talk about artilce and be able to take 10 question QZ

Wotd Pre-HW Assignment- Complete AFTER reading Article  JR + SR

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Wotd Week 23 & 30

Reading & Comprehension
Jordan Article   or In root of IMD
be able to discuss ---maybe jot down key points

Posing Video   or IN Photography Folder of IMD Share
Take notes--- 

Monday, March 12, 2012

IMD 1 & II

OGT Week

Wotd Week 23 & 30

Reading & Comprehension Week
Magazine Read:
Find an article in a magazine in the lobby and read it.
Then on a sheet of paper hand write a 1 page summary of the article.
Put the Name of the Magazine, Month of the Magazine ie... May2011, and article title w/ pg #

Open Lighting Setup Test to be graded
Get out this --> Killer Head Shots

Magazine assignment from above
Capstone Practice Presentation