Friday, November 16, 2012


HW behind Monitor

DO NOT start the Test
Wotd Review & Test

JR- Photography --
OUT of school watch this VIDEO
IN School- Open @  Templates \ Photogtraphy \ Aperture Shutter Speed and ISO, Photography 101

SR-Packaging & Design
Discussion of yesterdays info and weekend assignment

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Assignments 1 & 2 Due at End of Period. NO Exceptions -Turn in to Sub
Sequence of work
1. Color Psychology
2. Color Theory
3. Wotd HW

Get Word of the day HW here  Sr-HW-13
Print it from here or the IMD \ Templates \ Wotd \ Sr-Hw-13
make sure you get the correct one Sr not the jr

Read this PowerPoint about Color Psychology

Answer these questions

Pre-Quiz - Chapter 3: Color Psychology

1. What percentage of our choice when purchasing an item is based on color? ___________.

2. When scanning the shelves, shoppers recognize the product they wish to purchase in ___________.

3. When deciding to make a purchase, a person will choose the product based on its color in

4. If you opened a fast food restaurant, which colors would make people want to eat more?

a. yellow and orange b. blue and green c. green and red

5. The color that is used to enhance the taste of sweetness in any food or food packaging is _________.

6. The color scheme most normally associated with danger or poison is ____________.

7. Dull, low saturated colors appear to __________________.

8. Bright, saturated colors appear to __________________.

9. As objects recede into space, they loose color and saturation; this is known as __________.

10. We recognize the name of the product name before we recognize the color.   a. true b. false

11. Warm hues appear to recede in space­­­­­. a. true b. false

12. Using color without regard to its natural or local color is known as _____________.

13. Using bright, saturated colors conveys which emotional feelings?

14. Using dark, desaturated colors conveys which emotional feelings?

15. One of 1st color tests to determine personality traits & disorders was developed by___________.

16. This color personality test or diagnostic tool was made up of ________________.

17. Edwin Land developed a theory on psychological color perception known as __________.

NOW Look at this link Color Theory

Answer these questions
1. What is color theory?
2. Describe the difference between complementary and analogous schemes.
3. What is monochromatic?
4. Define split complementary
5. Define triadic color scheme
6. Define tetradic color scheme
7. Briefly explain the history of color theory
8. Who is Johannes Itten
9. Breifly identify the pros and cons of each color scheme listed on the sheet
10. Identify color meaning for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white & black

If complete with all of the above work on the following
1. Capstone
2. Practice presentation of Mini-Research
3. Jump start on BPA
4. Make a list of 3 products that you could do your redesign packaging on


Wotd 13 + Jr-HW  
Print it from here or the IMD \ Templates \ Wotd Jr-HW 13
make sure you get the correct one JR or Sr

3 Tasks
1.  Read this Aperture Controls Light & Depth Of Field  and Play the Animation
 HANDWRITTEN Assignment On a sheet of paper put your name on it!  Answer these questions
Title page  Aperture Controls Light & Depth Of Field
  1. The aperture adjusts the size of the
  2. As with the shutter speed, the aperture also
  3. For some pictures—for example, a landscape—you may want a smaller aperture for
  4. Aperture settings are called          and indicate the      of the        opening.
  5. How             you can open the aperture depends on the len's                        — its widest opening. 
  6. The term "          " usually applies to lenses that can be opened to a wide maximum aperture

2.  COMPLETE this Photo Training Quiz  -Print it off
You can use Open Notes, computer and internet -Canon Site BUT DO NOT work together.
Also use this info to find your answers --Digital Photography 

Turn in to the sub when complete

3. Open This---  Painting with Light
HANDWRITTEN Assignment - On the SAME sheet from above  
Skip a few lines past the last answer and Title it Painting w Light. List the answer to the following questions

  1). What you'll need
  2). What do you do to be able to figure out the exposure time?
  3). What is the Illumination Technique
  4). Explain the Light Streak Technique
  5). What is the key

    Wednesday, November 14, 2012

    IMD II

     Week 13 Wotd

     Packaging & Design

    3rd Hour

    BPA Competitions - IMD \ Templates \ BPA \ 2013-BPA-Events
    pick top 2 judged that you want to do.

    Finish missing WOTD TEST - Schoology

    Any missing Fitzers assignments

    College Exploration
    The Art Institutes
    School of Advertising Art
    Pittsburg Technical Institue

    IMD I


    Digital Photography Unit

    3rd Hour

    BPA Competitions - IMD \ Templates \ BPA \ 2013-BPA-Events
    pick top 2 judged that you want to do.

    Finish missing WOTD TEST - Schoology
    Complete Camera Terms WS and Part from yesterday.

    Any missing Fitzers assignments

    College Exploration
    The Art Institutes
    School of Advertising Art
    Pittsburg Technical Institue

    Tuesday, November 13, 2012

    IMD II

    Week 13 WotD

    Submit Package & Design Research Projects
    ---Templates :\IMD Share \ D-Turn IN FOLDER \ Packing-Design-PPT
    ---Save as Lastname-First Name

    Why You Buy Video and Worksheet.

    IMD I

    Digital Photography

    Student Data INFO-  Open from Templates
    IMD Intervention Program

    Open these
    Canon Site --Part 3 Review Q&A
    TERMS Read   + WS
    Camera Parts Worksheet

    Monday, November 12, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Weeks 13 Word of the Day

    Digital Photography
    Canon Site --Part 3
    TERMS  Read
    Aperture Opening


    College Visit  PTI