Friday, December 21, 2012

Missing Items  ReTouch 3 Items

Lab Activity

Have a great break

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Start planning for what you can do over break for BPA
1. Presentation Script
2. Research Equip & Technology used
3. Film, Practice or Go over your lines, script or parts
4. Pruchase supplies needed such as foam core for storyboards
5. Re-Draw or write you planning documents, storyboards, ect...
6. Design content to be used in presentation
7. Do what Champions DO

2nd Hr -Exam / Study Time / IMD Missing Work
Tips for successful students
1. Do it right the first time
2. Make a To Do List & prioritize
3. Review content for Semester Exam
4. Stay organized
5. Know your deadlines   Exam 14 & 15 Jan 
6. BPA Due Date & Competition dates

---Jr- Extra Credit WotD Review WS - NOT 2 B done in class

---Sr-WebXam  Sections 1,4 & 6 on Semester Exam
    Here is a HyperLinked Version IM WebXam Competencies

3rd Hour BPA

Pot Luck?
Dress Down
Lab Incentive - B- or higher gets a Free Ipad.  NOT

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Presentation Prep & Practice
How does it start? Do you introduce members of the team or start with an open ended question or something rhetorical? Do you give a disturbing fact to hook the judges attention?  1 million people died last year to Prescription Drug Abuse. These facts are unsettling in our opinion. Today we stand before you with a video that shows a typical situation with PDA. Hi, I am Jimmy, I am Timmy and I am Chris. Our story shows ............. We feel that if our video can go viral as a PSA for PDA we can make a difference.

ALL competitions can be introduced like this.

2nd Hr -Exam / Study Time / IMD Missing Work

3rd Hour BPA

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


1st Hour

Create a to do list & prioritize
Teams plan so that you can work independently 3rd hour
Continue working towards completion of info from yesterdays blog.

2nd Hour
IMD related work  (Complete or Turn In)
ReTouch Images
Need 3 completed images. 2 that we did in class & 1 image of choice
Save as this file name Last Name-First Initial-RT1 or -RT2 or -RT3
Example:  DiMasso-J-RT1


Image should show B4 & After 2 up

Wrap Up anything needed for Fitzer

3rd Hour
Independently work on BPA

Monday, December 17, 2012


ALL --Today Re-Read your guideline and make a list of all area that need attention for this project. Be Mindful of high point areas and areas that you are not familiar with.
GDP -Get BPA Logo & Tagline intergrated into flyer

Broadcast Teams-Determine shoot locations - How do you want the background to look?
Practice your scripts? Do a mock trial run of you at the desk presenting your news stories.

Video Team- As a team determine who is the LEAD for each are of the project. Lighting, Filming, Editing, Sp. Effects, Script & St. Board. Continue to research technology related to video- Green screen, slow-mo, camera movements and such. Walk through your entire video as a group explaining the script as if you are presenting it to an investor

Global Marketing-Continue to expand upon your plan. Do not overly focus on any 1 area too long. Add something to each and then go back and add more....continue to do it this way.

Entrepreneurship - Continue to develope Business Plan.  Do not overly focus on any 1 area too long. Add something to each and then go back and add more....continue to do it this way.

Presentation Mangm't Indv. - What areas are you highlighting? What activities and organizations you and your friends’ experience?  What is your overview of them? What is a  detailed example of the benefits of such participation.

For Experience ONLY


CCAD offers several methods for students to learn more about the admissions portfolio process and to get early and frequent feedback on their work to avoid senior submission stress.

Check our web page to access a brochure with great tips and view a video recapping the portfolio process. Encourage your students to contact our admissions staff for an early review (on-campus or off-site) and to talk about different options for expanding their body of work.

Most importantly, students should know the four key factors the admissions team considers -- technique, concept, dedication and risk-taking. Our team looks forward to working with your students to explore their work samples that demonstrate these four aspects.


College PreView and its residential experience is designed to provide participants the opportunity to develop a college admissions portfolio and for students and their families to get to know our faculty, staff, campus, and Columbus arts community.

To view the full three-week program details, check out