Friday, March 1, 2013


HAND Write (NOT type) a story using the following words on a sheet of paper.

MIDI ,   MIXDOWN   , HSB   , NORMALIZE      , MP3  ,Color separation
Additive color   , SUBTRACTIVE color   .PLUS ALL of week 24 words 

B-ROLL ,  Firewire or IEEE P1394     COLOR BARS:     Fps                                       CHROMA    Frequency modulated or FM   FRAME        Ohm          Authoring:  PLUS ALL of week 24 words

Story would be something that shows your knowledge of the word used in a sentence. The info should be connected so that one sentence makes sense with the next one.  EX I have to flatten my PSD (Photoshop Documents) into a JPEG ( Joint Photogrpahic Expert Group) so that I could send it to the print lab.

 JR ---Continue on Independant Study on KNOWLEDGE
1. Locate video and article on internet that will help you with your (IS)Independant Study
2. Find a book, article, or magazine that pertains to your topic area and read for at least 30 minutes this weekend.

Continue w/ work from Thursday as needed.

Do the word of the day test listed above.
Last day for The Scholarship
Located in IMD Templates / highschool-App-Only ----Open in PS

CAMPASS Test --- should have already taken it.

Continue contacts with mentor & client
Work on research for paper
Develop TO do list for PRODUCT 

Wrap up any unfinished stuff from yesterday.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Wotd Week 24

Wotd HW - Hand write out the terms and definitions for the past 3 weeks. Turn in to SUB with your name on it. Do it at home or when complete with below info

30 Minutes  Compas Practice --Look at links from Tuesday     Test is Friday

30 Minutes  

Capstone   Use your bubbles sheet to determine where you are. If you were absent Wednesday- you can find a print off by the printer or in the IMD Templates / Capstone --File Name bubbles.

CAPSTONE Topics ---Below you will find some research that will help you with your capstone- Read and take notes

Design Capstone --   Read this Article  also loacted in IMD Templates called The Ultimate guide to logo design.  From the article to pay close attention to the following things.
--- Online Research #3 --- logo design research on Logo Moose and Logo Gala
 --- Think about the space around the logo and the negative space # 13 & 14
---Make your design active, not passive #15
--- Create suitable variants #16
---Look at the Design flowchart #30

Some of the info states do not imitate or ask the client what they think and although that might be a good process......we are not pro's yet so we need to do some of these things

PHOTO Capstone Stuff
Read THIS ---50 Essential Photo Tips
If for some reason the site comes up blocked, use this Google Doc's Version HERE
Jot down notes or ideas

Video Capstone People

Watch this -- Video 101 Shooting Basics

Watch this -- Video 101 Editing Basics

Jot down notes or ideas


Wotd Week 24

Wotd HW - Hand write out the terms and definitions for the past 3 weeks. Turn in to SUB with your name on it.

IS (Independant Study)
Design People --   Read this Article  also loacted in IMD Templates called The Ultimate guide to logo design.  From the article to pay close attention to the following things.
--- Online Research #3 --- logo design research on Logo Moose and Logo Gala

 --- Think about the space around the logo and the negative space # 13 & 14
---Make your design active, not passive #15
--- Create suitable variants #16
---Look at the Design flowchart #30

Some of the info states do not imitate or ask the client what they think and although that might be a good process......we are not pro's yet so we need to do some of these things

Use this info to make your logo's better - some are looking great.   HINT- Google pizza logos and look at the images tab-  it provides good inspiration.

PHOTO People

Find 10 images that represent what you think are 10 awesome photographic shots. These would be the things that you would try to be able to shoot yourself. These are your idea boards. Example would be if you are interested in hi-fashion portrait photography. Search this and find 10 images and save them into a folder to share with me in Monday.

After that read THIS ---50 Essential Photo Tips
If for some reason the site comes up blocked, use this Google Doc's Version HERE

Video People

Keep working on the highlight video
Divide up the tasks. If nobody is working 1st hour on it then have someone switch rotations.
Work on intro screens or bumpers such as Grove City Wrestling
Have someone work with getting some audio together
Take home some footage on jump drives and do some editing.

Other's --Audio, Retouching ect... -- You have been doing good- Keep going

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wotd Week 24

JR - IS (Independant Study)
since 1952

--Determine Product
--Identify Mentor
--Identify Client

Cougar ID
Compas Practice
Test is Friday

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Wotd Week 24

JR - IS (Independant Study)

Product Practice
Cougar ID
Compas Practice

Monday, February 25, 2013


 WotD Week 24

Wotd Review assignment WS

JR ---
Video Project
Graphic Design
Continue on Independant Study on KNOWLEDGE
1. Identify 3 activities you could do to learn more
2. Identify 3 activities that would show or demonstrate evidence of learning
3. Locate video and article on internet that will help you with your (IS)Independant Study
4. Find a book, article, or magazine that pertains to your topic area and read for at least 30 minutes this week.

Cougar ID
Fill out the Scholarship
Located in IMD Templates / highschool-App-Only ----Open in PS

CAMPASS Test Study info Below

Continue contacts with mentor & client
Work on research for paper
Develop more ideas for your PRODUCT