Friday, April 5, 2013

Wotd 28  Test

JR- After Test
FINISH History of Technology -
Finish 3 Food Photo Enhancements (from Wednesday)
CreativeLive ReBroadcast

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Wotd 28  + Jr Wk 28 HW  --  Sr wk 28 HW

Daily Grade INFO
Employability Skills  or can be found at
IMD\Templates\Business Seminar\Employability skills guide

JR- History of Technology -- Con't from yesterday
File Name: history of techn Located IMD\Templates\Business Seminar

Wrap up any Food Photo Enhancements (See Wednesday)

SR- Capstone Conferences
Paper Specs Lesson
MC- Discussion

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Week 28 WotD

JR ---Show evidence of IS
SR- Caspstone Share of Evidence

Adjust 2 Food Photography Items FOLLOW THIS INFO

Additionally- Adjust 1 using tutorial of choice

Save ALL 3 to Student Log in folder-
Save as Food1, Food2 & Food3

If all caught up.
CreativeLive D600 Nikon

3rd Hour ---JR-
JR- History of Technology --
File Name: history of techn   Located IMD\Templates\Business Seminar

 3rd Hour ---SR-
SR- Caspstone Share of Evidence
1. Research &  Paper     
2. Mentor         
3. Client               
4. Product       
----Get started with Presentation 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Juniors & SR
Last Grading Period

Week 28 WotD

Jr--Collect ALL Independent Study Evidence
SR--Collect ALL Capstone Evidence

View Blog from
March 14 & 15 to verify you completed ALL work

Save ALL Culinary Images to
IMD Share\Culinary Project Photos

Open Accounts-Blank in IMD Share

Creative Live Account

Certi-Port & Webxam