Friday, January 18, 2013


FINAL Days of Prep are coming

GDP --Practice your presentation
Video & News - Finalize and script out presentation
All others - Proof you plans + practice presentation

FINAL PRODUCT --100% Complete Due Date  January 25
Web Site Design Team *Site uploaded by 3 p.m.*
Global Marketing Team Paper Submitted
Graphic Design Promotion items deadline
Video & News Broadcast - video complete
DMP, Computer Animation & Computer Modeling -Final Product

* Note - Paperwork need to accompany this - Ex. Model Release, Statement of Orginality

January 28 – February 1 Home Site Testing for NON-Judged

February 5 --Snow Feb. 6) Judged Events – at Westland
February 6 Eastland CC Graphic Design Promotion & Video Team
February 7 10 a.m. Awards Ceremony GC Church of Nazarene

(Snow date: Feb. 8 FHHS) for awards

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Last Day to Turn in Re Touch Files - Due Immediately
Assignment was 3 images that were re touched and saved to
IMD Share \ D-Stuff Turn IN FOLDER \ RT Folder ---
Named as LastName-1st Initial-RT1,RT2 or RT3

BPA Grade [9 Weeks Assessment] Based on the following
1. Work Completion Point based on Due Date Jan 25
2. In Class Work or Participation
3. Attendance
4. Your Self-Assessment

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Extention to Finalize any exam work till end of 1st period

Continue finalizing all BPA tasks

BPA 9 weeks Grade Check Point end of 2nd period

Leave you work area looking better than you found it!

SR- WebXam Test ----then the above info