Friday, April 19, 2013


Wotd HW turn in

Capstone Completition of Product


Talent Show (shortened rotations)
Wotd Test
Turn in HW

Discuss Photo assignments from past 2 days

Thursday, April 18, 2013



Product Due Tomorrow
Presentations next week April 24-26 to panel of judges.

Use your whole day to finish up. Mr. Hoying will be the sub and most of you know him. Share your product with him and get some advice from him.

Work on your slide show presentation if your complete with your product.

Slideshow should include
Cliff notes of what your paper was about and what you learned from the research. Probably good to have about 2 to 3 photos that support your paper for the presentation.

Info about your product -- Photos of the work in progress or stages of production or the act of doing your project.

A sample of your final product --video, photos, prints, online display  ---ect

Should have 1 to 2 pgs about Mentor and documented contacts with him or her

Should have 1 to 2 pgs about Client and documented contacts with him or her 

As well as some form of a conclusion.

If you need a camera to shoot your project see Mr. Fitzer.

I will be back tomorrow.


WotD Homework write out terms and definitions for the past 4 weeks. Wk 27-30.

Read over this info and Watch this video  The link has the article that needs read.

Beauty Light

We will be trying to shoot with this style of shooting tomorrow.

Answer these questions using the link not the video

Using the first photo to answer these questions from the link
1. Is this a broad lighting set up or a short lighting set up. Key is to look at the nose shadow.

2.  Notice that the background is out of focus--Is this considered shallow depth of field or great depth of field?

3. In the Lighting Set up Sections she mentioned that she normally shoots f8-f11 but for this shoot she set the key light to expose at f ______?  Why did she do that?

4. What is the major point of the reflector as mentioned in the link----yeah it adds light but what specifically does she state it does for this shoot?    

5. In the Extra section what doe she states that the wind can add a lift and movement to the hair which in turns as a little movement can really ____________________

Use the video to answer the following questions

6. What style of light is this referred to ________________________?

7. What kind of lens does she say is needed ___________________?

8. What does the over exposure do to the subject, the skin tone, and imperfection?

9. What additional stuff does she tell you about the reflector in the video ----Angle ?  ----   Location  ?   What it does to the eyes and pores?-

10. How does the look of the set up change when the key light is shut off?

11. What did you like most about this video info?

12. What is the most important thing that you learned?

After finishing this info you can start on your word of the day assignment

After completing your WotD --- find additional reading about lighting set ups.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Capstone Check Point on Product TODAY—
Are you done?
When will you be done?
FRIDAY is final Turn IN

Presentations April 24 & 25

Chose your autonomy within these confines
1. Capstone ---Product, Presentation or Contact Interactions
2. Certi-Port ----Info@ IMD\Templates\Certi-Port


 Week 30 WotD

On a sheet of paper TITLED Lighting Patterns w/ your name on it...

Answer the following questions.
1. What is the major difference between short and broad light?
2. What light pattern is best for most subjects?
3. What light pattern is best for skinny subjects?

Use the photo of the 3 face shots to answer the following questions—same sheet of paper

4. In the photo listed MASK—What side of the face is the main light on?
Answer Option ——A. her right side or B. her left side
NOTE: When I say her right side I am referring to the photographers left side.

5. Is the photo being lit from the short side or the broad side?
6. How do you know what side of the face it is being lit from?
7. Does the broad side of the face show more of the face?

Now for the next set of questions Read this info 6 Lighting Patterns
8. What are the 6 lighting patterns?
9. What is a major difference between the light patterns?
10. Which lighting pattern do you think looks best? WHY?
11. Which lighting pattern creates a hook shadow on the side of the nose?
12. Which light pattern is named after a painter?
13. How can you identify a rembrandt photo?
14. The article says that by studying your subjects face you will learn ______________________ will be best for them, and for the type of ___________________ and ______________________desire.

15 Which lighting pattern is given its name based on the shape that is created under the nose?
16. The butterfly lighting techniques also emphasizes wrinkles ____________

Answer the following info From this site—

17. Portrait lighting systems usually includes at least _____ light sources.
18. One light is called the _____________ and the other is the _________________
19. Summarize Broad lighting as list on this site
20. Summarize Short lighting as list on this site
21. Summarize Butterfly lighting or Glamour lighting as list on this site
22. Summarize Split lighting as list on this site.

Now turn this into the sub....——Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Week 30 WotD

Posing Slides Presentations
Info about head shots

Chose your autonomy within these confines
1. Capstone ---Product, Presentation or Contact Interactions
2. Certi-Port ----Info@ IMD\Templates\Certi-Port
3. WebXam ----Info@ IMD\Templates\WebXam
4. CreativeLive --LightRoom --If 1 thru3 are done

Monday, April 15, 2013

IMD I & ii

Week 30 Word of the Day

1. Update Journal & Student Folder
2. Journal Prompt - These are the 3 things that I can do better at to finish the school year great...

Photo Posing Info --Presentations
Save Ppt to ----IMD Share\D-Turn IN FOLDER\Jr\Posing PPt
Save as both people's last name

Complete Tasks 1 & 2
Define autonomy -- using 3 sources -Will share as a class
Chose your autonomy within these confines
1. Capstone  ---Product, Presentation or Contact Interactions
2. Certi-Port ----Info@ IMD\Templates\Certi-Port
3. WebXam  ----Info@ IMD\Templates\WebXam
4. CreativeLive --LightRoom --If 1 thru3 are done