Friday, October 22, 2010


Turn in WOTD  HW to the tray

SORRY - No Garageband or Audio today

WotD TEST + Microphone WS -----[Sub will hand out]
Complete the word of the day test -Silent Lab- ---NOT from open notes or neighbor
Once Complete FLIP the Test over & Complete Microphone worksheet
Use this link to complete Microphone WS  ----

ALL of this is DUE at End of CLASS or it will NOT be GRADED  - Turn in to sub.

Once complete with all of this.....
1. Storyboard sketch how you could turn your Rap / Song into a video.
2. Try to write a script as to what this may look like in a video production.
----We are going to turn 2 songs into music videos for the Jr's & 2 for the Sr's

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