Friday, December 10, 2010


Ms. Birk --BPA pic moved to Tuesday

BPA Rotations-   READ ALL INFO
Make a list of 5 task that you can complete over the weekend.  Those who need training on the 7D continue to research the Canon camera and how to caputre seperate audio with Zoom H2.

Broadcast Teams-have fully developed stories ready to do news release to me on Monday (Research 7D w/ Video)

Video Research How to shoot slow motion w/ 7 D\

Presentations Mmgt, Gobal Mrkt, & Entrepreneurship - have 50% off all info researched, gathered, read and typed.  Reference Style & Reference Manual for content & Format

GDP- Finalize your tagline & theme.  Be 50% complete at end of day Friday

20 Together w/ Team- Plan you role today
40 On your own working on independant parts
10 Break
20 Together- Discuss your findings or 1st session work
40 On your own-working on independant parts
10 Plan for Monday

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. kayla-alright, by the way, i won't be here monday. i'm going out of town this weekend. thank you.
