Thursday, April 28, 2011


WotD + HW
Daily Pts: Today 10pts Present, on time, on track and in uniform

FYI- Fees Due - fees need to be paid ASAP with cash or money order only. If a student thinks they should have a fee waiver, please have them see Mrs. Mechlin. Students will not be able to attend prom if fees are not paid

MV- Shot List, Lyrics & Storyboard DONE

Final Cut

Friday - Lab Incentive: Do you qualify?  Feb 28 - Apr 15
B- or higher in 5th six weeks
3 or fewer IMD days absent during 5th six weeks
3 or fewer tardy to IMD during 5th six weeks
NO discipline or ISR's issues Related to IMD 5th six weeks
NO Uniform passes during 5th six weeks
Current in IMD [Storyboard + Shotlist]

DO Qualify for dress down--if Music Video stuff is set and have not has uniform pass
Austin, Tyler - Barker, Joshua - Birk, Michaela - Bock, Katelynn
Boyce, Jaime - Campbell, Alexis - Falls, Dexton - Garcia, Daisy
Gordon, Lindsey - Johnston-Gallaugher, Dustyn - Limbert, Kyle
Lindsay, Kimberly - McGuire, Laura - Mitchell, Eric - Mounts, Kristy
Orwig, Abigail - Pinero, Milin - Rowland, Kyle - Snyder, Kody
Vickers, Nicole - Wise, Kierstan

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