Monday, November 5, 2012


Week 12 Word of the Day

Open this --MUST Read 

Dropouts are more than eight times as likely to be in jail or prison as those with at least a high school diploma.

Over the course of his or her lifetime, a single high school dropout costs the nation approximately
$260,000 in lost earnings.
• Dropouts earn $9,200 less per year than high school graduates and more than $1 million less over a lifetime than college graduates.10

• The government would reap $45 billion in extra tax revenues and reduced costs in public health, crime, and welfare payments if the number of high school dropouts among 20-year olds in the U.S. today, which numbers more than 700,000 individuals, were cut in half.

Seventy-one percent of teens know someone who has dropped out of high school. When asked what those dropouts were doing now, 46% said they were unemployed; 53% said raising a child; 39% said working in a low-paying job; 29% said involved in a gang; and only 13% said the dropouts they knew were in a successful career.
Mini-Reseach Project
Research Question- How does packaging affect our purchasing?

Gather data - info, facts, case studies, sample procducts & images that supports your findings.

Prepare a short presentation in PowerPoint that shares your findings
Intro - Body - Conclusion

Presentation will be graded based on the following
1. depth of research (facts supported by data or research NOT your opinion)
2. at least 1 case study not from book
3. creativity of presentation
4.  effectivness of info (does it show strong evidence)
5. conclusion of final thoughs

Sources:  Have 1 slide that has all links to location of your findings.

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