Monday, December 10, 2012


GDP -Generate 2 sketches of a logo that supports your tagline.   Develop a color pallet base on Color Wheel & Scheme's Choose an effective font

Broadcast Teams-have fully developed stories ready to do news release to me. Brainstorm script and storyboard. Have a completely blocked treatment & storyboard tomorrow.
Generate your interview questions.---Research best font for TV

Video Team- Brainstorm script and storyboard. Have a completely blocked treatment & storyboard tomorrow. Generate your interview questions.--Research best font for TV . Continue to research technology related to video- Green screen, slow-mo, camera movements and such

Global Marketing-Get a handle on exactly what you need to do. Print a copy of the marketing plan as listed in the BPA Event guideline.

Entrepreneurship - Continue to develope product ideas. Print copy Business Plan from BPA Event guideline

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