Friday, January 11, 2013


Exam Monday & Tuesday
Wotd - Photography Terms - Video Terms - Design Concepts - Hands-On-Use of Software

7 Classroom Work Days till BPA Project need to be FINISHED

Start working on the Opening Introduction, Technology Used and who did what portion of your presentation.

GDP - Final Touches today - Get Handout

JAN 25 --All Work 100% Complete

Fill Out Time Card Today- Turn into Back Tray

“Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win.”
10 Tips for Great Presentations
1. Practice Your Presentation

a. So you don’t have to look at the slides
b. So you are not surprised by something on the slide
c. So you can present a “professional” aird. So you appear prepared to the audience
2. Know Your Key Points and Care
a. There are a few key points and that is the purpose of the presentation
b. Know these key points and make sure that you get them across
c. Care about imparting these key points to the audience
3. Never Redesign Your Lecture from the Podium
a. This urge is always felt by presenters
b. Suddenly you have a “better” idea; but it never is
c. This causes you to miss main points and run over time
4. Keep on Time
a. The session Moderator will likely have a time
rb. Timing is crucial for everyone
5. Limit the Use of a Pointer
a. Out of 100 things you can do with a pointer, 5 are good, the rest are bad
b. We can read the slide, but if must point to something special then OK
6. Carefully Design Your Slides
a. Illegible slides are a traditional complaint of presentations
b. Use lettering that is bold, san-serif, 12 lines per slide, bright contrast
c. Remember the slides are an outline and not the speech itself
d. You should have an introduction and conclusion slide
7. Validate Questions if You Want Them
a. There are ways to get questions and ways not to get them
b. Validation by repeating, appreciating, telling how fits into subject
c. Repeat all questions to make sure all understand
d. Answer the question in just a few sentences (preferably 3)
8. Dress a Little Better than the Audience
a. Leave no doubt who is the presenter
b. Keep your appearance on a “professional” level
9. Speak Clearly and Slowly
a. Many do not have English as first language (130 words per minute vs. 170 words per minute)
b. Don’t jingle keys, drink water, chew gum
c. Speak to the audience and not to the visuals or to your notes
10. Be Enthusiastic
a. This is the trait that will carry the presentation

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