Get out a sheet of paper to be able to document all of your learning from today. If you do not have a paper to turn in you will not get the 50 points associated with the activities. Put your name on the sheet and answer all questions to the below stuff on that sheet.
Video Track and Photo Track Watch
Read over this info Canon 7D For Dummies Cheat Sheet or this link HERE
What does the quick control button look like? Where is the hot shoe located? Draw the icon just above the flash button. What is creative auto? What is C1, c2, c3?
What is the major difference between the camera metering modes?
Read about Food Photography ---BOTH groups
Video Track ONLY
How food stylists make fast food look so delicious in commercials
Watch the top video on this link --It is YouTube- {May have to watch at home or wait till tomorrow when I can show them)
What did you already know?
What did you learn?
How will you be able to use this knowledge?
What is typical length of a commercial?
Guidelines for Shooting Videos
List 5 major points
Write a treatment for a commercial.
Photography Track ONLY
Watch this video & Take notes How-to-Photograph-Food
Read this article Dirty Trick of Food Photographers
What did you find most shocking?
What did you already know?
What did you learn?
How will you be able to use this knowledge?

Create a folder and save you 10 favorite food images
Image should include but are not limited to the following
shallow depth of Field, unique angle, texture, action (splash or pour)
Here is a sample image
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