Thursday, March 14, 2013


Thursday, March 14, 2013


OGT Bell Schedule

IMD Rotation Times -- 11:10 -- JR
IMD Rotation Times -- 2:10 -- SR
Week 26 WotD  + HW-26-JR    or   HW-26-Sr    <---- em="">This is HOME work

Question of the Day -----What is the Epiphany? Search this on the internet so that you will be able to give a verbal definition if called upon.Hand Write down your definition along with one example of how it happens. Save this to turn in on Monday.

JUNIORS  --[READ Very Carefully]
Apply the image adjusting techniques (blur, sharpen, contrast and washed out solid black fill)  we have been doing to 3 images from any of these folders in here
N:\IMD Share\`YEARBOOK\Yearbook Shoot 2-20
File Name:  Save work as the 2 Letter Program Name-Your Last Name.jpg
Example MJ-DiMasso.jpg       (MJ) is for Materials Joining
If you do more than one from the same program put a 1 after your name
Example   MJ-DiMasso1.jpg
Save to  ---N:\IMD Share\`YEARBOOK\Thursday's Assignment
Once complete with 3 images put a check mark next to your name on the sheet on the back dry earse will see it.  Do not tell other to do this. Let them figure it out.
Next go to Bridge and choose a folder in your student log in that has images in it. Organize images based on STAR ratings (rank about 10 of them as different # of stars, Color Code Labels and Batch Rename. Be able to share the folder on Monday.

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