Friday, April 26, 2013


JR---Turn in HW

NO - Word of the Day Test

Adjust and do post productions to 1 additional image you shot or a shot of you. Choose an image that is portfolio quality....not one of the creative silly images

Do the following things
1. Adjust WB
2. Adjust Exposure + Contrast
3. Retouch skin blemishes, Sharpen eyes & soften skin
4. Retouch background
5. Crop image to increase composition
6. Apply filters to background
7. Adjust background to increase overall look.
8. Save to same folder + a backup to student log in folder as PSD
9. Name it Lastname-PhotoRT1  Ex. dimassoRT1

Green Screen Photography
Research 10 tips for shooting photography on a green screen
Next week we will be shooting on green screen and changing out the background.

HANDwrite the Tips ----Again HAND write the tips NO credit will be given for printed list of tips.
Put your name at the top of a sheet of paper and title it Green Screen Photo Tips.
List 10 tips
Find and watch 1 video ---take notes on the same page.

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