Thursday, April 18, 2013



Product Due Tomorrow
Presentations next week April 24-26 to panel of judges.

Use your whole day to finish up. Mr. Hoying will be the sub and most of you know him. Share your product with him and get some advice from him.

Work on your slide show presentation if your complete with your product.

Slideshow should include
Cliff notes of what your paper was about and what you learned from the research. Probably good to have about 2 to 3 photos that support your paper for the presentation.

Info about your product -- Photos of the work in progress or stages of production or the act of doing your project.

A sample of your final product --video, photos, prints, online display  ---ect

Should have 1 to 2 pgs about Mentor and documented contacts with him or her

Should have 1 to 2 pgs about Client and documented contacts with him or her 

As well as some form of a conclusion.

If you need a camera to shoot your project see Mr. Fitzer.

I will be back tomorrow.

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