Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Light Painting Blending of Images
Create a Blend of your images shot Tuesday- 
Students absent on Tuesday --BORROW someone elses images to do this.
Look at yesterdays image link to get a better idea how to do this.


Steps to create a Blended Image 
1. Open Photoshop
2. Click File --Scripts -- Load Image into Stack
3. Select your images
4. Check mark to try to align images-
TIP- you may want to look at the image so that it is straight up and down. To do so go to Image ---Image Rotation --Click 90 CW
5. Change Blend modes to Lighten
*- TIP- after making layer mode to Lighten Right click and select Copy layer style.
Now select all layers Except the Bottom layer using shift click and now Right click and select Paste layer style. --ALL will not be on Lighten Blend mode.
6. Mask out areas you do not want to see.
7. Adjust opacity on layers as needed
8. Turn off layers if you do not want that layer
9. Clone stamp to get rid of unwanted stuff
10. Save File as Lastname-Blend-Own.JPG
11. Save to IMD Student Data in your folder

Repeat steps for the following 2 sets of images
Files located  N:\Templates\Photography\Light Painting
Folder 1 ---   Blending Light Painting 1
Folder 2 ---   Blending Light Painting 2

Make 2 composition. One from each folder
Follow steps as listed above
-- Save Folder 1 File as Lastname-Blend-1.JPG
-- Save Folder 2 File as Lastname-Blend-2.JPG
-- Save to IMD Student Data in your folder

3rd Hour
Continue to polish the work from the Light Blending Images
by the end of the day you should have a total of 3 final images. 1 from the Tuesday shoot and 2 from the images I provided.

Once complete, GOOGLE light painting and find 5 cool shots that you would like to try to shoot. Save images to N:\IMD Share\DiMasso\Photography\Light Painting Ideas
Rename the files as your lastname-LP1 and so on to get credit.
 lastname-LP1  and then  lastname-LP2  and then   lastname-LP3  ect....

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