Friday, December 21, 2012

Missing Items  ReTouch 3 Items

Lab Activity

Have a great break

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Start planning for what you can do over break for BPA
1. Presentation Script
2. Research Equip & Technology used
3. Film, Practice or Go over your lines, script or parts
4. Pruchase supplies needed such as foam core for storyboards
5. Re-Draw or write you planning documents, storyboards, ect...
6. Design content to be used in presentation
7. Do what Champions DO

2nd Hr -Exam / Study Time / IMD Missing Work
Tips for successful students
1. Do it right the first time
2. Make a To Do List & prioritize
3. Review content for Semester Exam
4. Stay organized
5. Know your deadlines   Exam 14 & 15 Jan 
6. BPA Due Date & Competition dates

---Jr- Extra Credit WotD Review WS - NOT 2 B done in class

---Sr-WebXam  Sections 1,4 & 6 on Semester Exam
    Here is a HyperLinked Version IM WebXam Competencies

3rd Hour BPA

Pot Luck?
Dress Down
Lab Incentive - B- or higher gets a Free Ipad.  NOT

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Presentation Prep & Practice
How does it start? Do you introduce members of the team or start with an open ended question or something rhetorical? Do you give a disturbing fact to hook the judges attention?  1 million people died last year to Prescription Drug Abuse. These facts are unsettling in our opinion. Today we stand before you with a video that shows a typical situation with PDA. Hi, I am Jimmy, I am Timmy and I am Chris. Our story shows ............. We feel that if our video can go viral as a PSA for PDA we can make a difference.

ALL competitions can be introduced like this.

2nd Hr -Exam / Study Time / IMD Missing Work

3rd Hour BPA

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


1st Hour

Create a to do list & prioritize
Teams plan so that you can work independently 3rd hour
Continue working towards completion of info from yesterdays blog.

2nd Hour
IMD related work  (Complete or Turn In)
ReTouch Images
Need 3 completed images. 2 that we did in class & 1 image of choice
Save as this file name Last Name-First Initial-RT1 or -RT2 or -RT3
Example:  DiMasso-J-RT1


Image should show B4 & After 2 up

Wrap Up anything needed for Fitzer

3rd Hour
Independently work on BPA

Monday, December 17, 2012


ALL --Today Re-Read your guideline and make a list of all area that need attention for this project. Be Mindful of high point areas and areas that you are not familiar with.
GDP -Get BPA Logo & Tagline intergrated into flyer

Broadcast Teams-Determine shoot locations - How do you want the background to look?
Practice your scripts? Do a mock trial run of you at the desk presenting your news stories.

Video Team- As a team determine who is the LEAD for each are of the project. Lighting, Filming, Editing, Sp. Effects, Script & St. Board. Continue to research technology related to video- Green screen, slow-mo, camera movements and such. Walk through your entire video as a group explaining the script as if you are presenting it to an investor

Global Marketing-Continue to expand upon your plan. Do not overly focus on any 1 area too long. Add something to each and then go back and add more....continue to do it this way.

Entrepreneurship - Continue to develope Business Plan.  Do not overly focus on any 1 area too long. Add something to each and then go back and add more....continue to do it this way.

Presentation Mangm't Indv. - What areas are you highlighting? What activities and organizations you and your friends’ experience?  What is your overview of them? What is a  detailed example of the benefits of such participation.

For Experience ONLY


CCAD offers several methods for students to learn more about the admissions portfolio process and to get early and frequent feedback on their work to avoid senior submission stress.

Check our web page to access a brochure with great tips and view a video recapping the portfolio process. Encourage your students to contact our admissions staff for an early review (on-campus or off-site) and to talk about different options for expanding their body of work.

Most importantly, students should know the four key factors the admissions team considers -- technique, concept, dedication and risk-taking. Our team looks forward to working with your students to explore their work samples that demonstrate these four aspects.


College PreView and its residential experience is designed to provide participants the opportunity to develop a college admissions portfolio and for students and their families to get to know our faculty, staff, campus, and Columbus arts community.

To view the full three-week program details, check out

Friday, December 14, 2012


IMD Weekly Time Card Report / Turn In

Progress Check In Grade

Walk yourself thru Day BY Day of this WK 2C if U R missing anything

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Continue on BPA

I will do spot checks today on your progression.

Look at the blog from Mon-Wed to see if you have all things complete

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This is transition time:

Video, News Brod. DMP
Move the ideas from your head to paper to a production list
Look at the IMD Templates \ Video \ Other Stuff
1. Call sheets
2. Location Releases
3. Scouting Sheet
4. Script Break Down
5. Shot List Template
6. Several Versions of Story Boards

Inside of the IMD \ Templates \ BPA
you will find a Release Form
This will be needed for any video, photo or audio used by anyone in your video including yourself.

Combine your, tagline thoughts with your scavenger hunt info and see what you can come up with that all goes together.
DESIGN Spec's ---- 8W x 10H @ 300 dpi
Design must have BPA Logo and BPA tagline

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


GDP -Research doc - Scavenger Hunt

Broadcast Teams-print out research for new stories - Have completed blocked treatment & storyboard end of day

Video Team- print Have completed blocked treatment & storyboard end of day Continue to research technology related to video- Green screen, slow-mo, camera movements and such

Global Marketing-Get a handle on exactly what you need to do. Print a copy of the marketing plan as listed in the BPA Event guideline. Writel in info for marketing plan

Entrepreneurship - Continue to develope product ideas. Print copy Business Plan from BPA Event guideline

Monday, December 10, 2012


GDP -Generate 2 sketches of a logo that supports your tagline.   Develop a color pallet base on Color Wheel & Scheme's Choose an effective font

Broadcast Teams-have fully developed stories ready to do news release to me. Brainstorm script and storyboard. Have a completely blocked treatment & storyboard tomorrow.
Generate your interview questions.---Research best font for TV

Video Team- Brainstorm script and storyboard. Have a completely blocked treatment & storyboard tomorrow. Generate your interview questions.--Research best font for TV . Continue to research technology related to video- Green screen, slow-mo, camera movements and such

Global Marketing-Get a handle on exactly what you need to do. Print a copy of the marketing plan as listed in the BPA Event guideline.

Entrepreneurship - Continue to develope product ideas. Print copy Business Plan from BPA Event guideline

Friday, December 7, 2012


BPA - Outline your ideas for your BPA competition.

ReTouch Final Day

IMD Reward Incentive 1st Term B- or Higher
2012 BPA Career Day Agenda @ OSU
Field Trip - Permission Forms Due ASAP --Dress Down
U will B responsible for lunch $)
10:35                         Arrival to Campus to tour & get lunch 
12:30-1pm                Registration at St. John Arena
1-1:30pm                  University and Fisher Admissions
1:30-1:45pm             Walk to the Huntington Club at Ohio Stadium
1:45-2:35pm             Speaker #1
2:35-3:25pm             Speaker #2
3:25pm-4:15pm       Speaker #3
4:05-4:30pm              Walk to Value City Arena at the Jerome Schottenstein Center
4:30-5:30pm              Buffet Dinner ( Paid for by SWCA)
5:30pm                       Doors Open to the Public
7pm                             Ohio State Buckeyes vs. Savannah State Tigers


Thursday, December 6, 2012


Re-Touching Open Time


8th Grade Visits


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Continue -
Creating a Re-Touching Portfolio Piece
Open file named ReTouch --Located IMD Share / Templates /Photoshop
Open SwapEye1    Located IMD Share / Templates /Photoshop /Headshots


3 Portfolio Pieces
--Must have realistic eyes, lip color, eye lashes ect
SwapEye1    ---Located in Templates / Photoshop

Operations Function Test

Fun Stuff - Holiday Apps

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Journal Writing
Insert Today's date: 12-4-12 (Open previous journal document that we did B4)

Writing Prompt:
These are the 3 things that I need to do differently to be more successful in school.
Explain in detail
Total writing should be a 1/4 of a page single spaced, 12 pt font & default margins.

Re-Branding Turned into IMD Share / D Turn in folder / Re-Branding

Developing Your portfolio  Read this

Creating a Re-Touching Portfolio Piece
Open file named ReTouch  --Located IMD Share / Templates /Photoshop

Fun Stuff - Holiday Apps


Journal Writing
Insert Today's date:    12-4-12      (Open previous journal document that we did B4)
Writing Prompt:
These are the 3 things that I need to do differently to be more successful in school.  Explain in detail
Total writing should be a 1/4 of a page single spaced, 12 pt font & default margins.

3 Portfolio Pieces

Operations Function Test

Monday, December 3, 2012


Everast College

NO WotD this week

Re-Branding Design


HI-End Retouching

Pre-Test --->Operations Function Test
Be able to adjust these major things
Shtter, Aperture, ISO, WB AF points
Detach lens, locate battery & memory card
pop the flash, review pictures

Friday, November 30, 2012


Turn HW Imedditaely

TEST IF not 100% complete

Open Your ReTouching file from yesterday.

Re-branding Project

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Week 15 + Sr-Wotd HW-15

Wotd War

Re-Packaging Design


Week 15 + Jr HW-15

If WotD HW is 100% --NO Test

Wotd Review

Camera Operatins Function Test Practice
-Canon XTI Manual + Operations Function Sheet

High End ReTouching PS Activity

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Week 15

IC Print Out
Track Missing stuff

Re-Branding Design


Week 15

Open Infinite Campus

1. Print out your grade sheet DIMASSO & Group Section
2. Highlight missing work.
3. Print Out Assignment
4. Staple all your stuff together
5. Turn in by Friday - NO EXCEPTIONS

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Week 15

Present Mini-Research

Check Infinite Campus
Get out these questions from last week
Print out yoru sheet and highlight missing work

Sr - Re branding
1. Identify Product
2. List 3 good things to keep and list why
3. List 3 bad things to fix and list why
4. Describe color usage---Does it fix a color scheme?
5. Does it need to change? If so why
6. Will the packaging shape of size change? If so why
7. What are the top things you will change?


Week 15 WoTD

Watch Video   Pro Digital Basics
Take Notes

Worksheet following

Monday, November 26, 2012


week 15 wotd

Type a 1/2 page reflections about what you liked most about Tuesdays guest presentation on photo & video stuff. Put you name on it and put it in the tray.

Present Mini-Research


Week 15 WotD

Type a 1/2 page reflections about what you liked most about Tuesdays guest presentation on photo & video stuff. Put you name on it and put it in the tray.

Wrap this up & Practice
Jr - Digital Photography
-Canon XTI Manual + Operations Function Sheet

Turn in any missing assingments such as camera parts.
Look at the blog for more info.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Week 14

Jr - Digital Photography
-Canon XTI Manual + Operations Function Sheet

Demo and Presentation of Photography

Monday, November 19, 2012


Week 14 Wotd

Jr - Digital Photography
-Canon XTI Manual + Operations Function Sheet

Sr - Re branding
1. Identify Product
2. List 3 good things to keep and list why
3. List 3 bad things to fix and list why
4. Describe color usage---Does it fix a color scheme?
5. Does it need to change? If so why
6. Will the packaging shape of size change?   If so why
7. What are the top things you will change?

 - Thanksgiving Thank You letter.
   - BPA - Use your Thanksgiving break to plan for BPA.

Friday, November 16, 2012


HW behind Monitor

DO NOT start the Test
Wotd Review & Test

JR- Photography --
OUT of school watch this VIDEO
IN School- Open @  Templates \ Photogtraphy \ Aperture Shutter Speed and ISO, Photography 101

SR-Packaging & Design
Discussion of yesterdays info and weekend assignment

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Assignments 1 & 2 Due at End of Period. NO Exceptions -Turn in to Sub
Sequence of work
1. Color Psychology
2. Color Theory
3. Wotd HW

Get Word of the day HW here  Sr-HW-13
Print it from here or the IMD \ Templates \ Wotd \ Sr-Hw-13
make sure you get the correct one Sr not the jr

Read this PowerPoint about Color Psychology

Answer these questions

Pre-Quiz - Chapter 3: Color Psychology

1. What percentage of our choice when purchasing an item is based on color? ___________.

2. When scanning the shelves, shoppers recognize the product they wish to purchase in ___________.

3. When deciding to make a purchase, a person will choose the product based on its color in

4. If you opened a fast food restaurant, which colors would make people want to eat more?

a. yellow and orange b. blue and green c. green and red

5. The color that is used to enhance the taste of sweetness in any food or food packaging is _________.

6. The color scheme most normally associated with danger or poison is ____________.

7. Dull, low saturated colors appear to __________________.

8. Bright, saturated colors appear to __________________.

9. As objects recede into space, they loose color and saturation; this is known as __________.

10. We recognize the name of the product name before we recognize the color.   a. true b. false

11. Warm hues appear to recede in space­­­­­. a. true b. false

12. Using color without regard to its natural or local color is known as _____________.

13. Using bright, saturated colors conveys which emotional feelings?

14. Using dark, desaturated colors conveys which emotional feelings?

15. One of 1st color tests to determine personality traits & disorders was developed by___________.

16. This color personality test or diagnostic tool was made up of ________________.

17. Edwin Land developed a theory on psychological color perception known as __________.

NOW Look at this link Color Theory

Answer these questions
1. What is color theory?
2. Describe the difference between complementary and analogous schemes.
3. What is monochromatic?
4. Define split complementary
5. Define triadic color scheme
6. Define tetradic color scheme
7. Briefly explain the history of color theory
8. Who is Johannes Itten
9. Breifly identify the pros and cons of each color scheme listed on the sheet
10. Identify color meaning for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white & black

If complete with all of the above work on the following
1. Capstone
2. Practice presentation of Mini-Research
3. Jump start on BPA
4. Make a list of 3 products that you could do your redesign packaging on


Wotd 13 + Jr-HW  
Print it from here or the IMD \ Templates \ Wotd Jr-HW 13
make sure you get the correct one JR or Sr

3 Tasks
1.  Read this Aperture Controls Light & Depth Of Field  and Play the Animation
 HANDWRITTEN Assignment On a sheet of paper put your name on it!  Answer these questions
Title page  Aperture Controls Light & Depth Of Field
  1. The aperture adjusts the size of the
  2. As with the shutter speed, the aperture also
  3. For some pictures—for example, a landscape—you may want a smaller aperture for
  4. Aperture settings are called          and indicate the      of the        opening.
  5. How             you can open the aperture depends on the len's                        — its widest opening. 
  6. The term "          " usually applies to lenses that can be opened to a wide maximum aperture

2.  COMPLETE this Photo Training Quiz  -Print it off
You can use Open Notes, computer and internet -Canon Site BUT DO NOT work together.
Also use this info to find your answers --Digital Photography 

Turn in to the sub when complete

3. Open This---  Painting with Light
HANDWRITTEN Assignment - On the SAME sheet from above  
Skip a few lines past the last answer and Title it Painting w Light. List the answer to the following questions

  1). What you'll need
  2). What do you do to be able to figure out the exposure time?
  3). What is the Illumination Technique
  4). Explain the Light Streak Technique
  5). What is the key

    Wednesday, November 14, 2012

    IMD II

     Week 13 Wotd

     Packaging & Design

    3rd Hour

    BPA Competitions - IMD \ Templates \ BPA \ 2013-BPA-Events
    pick top 2 judged that you want to do.

    Finish missing WOTD TEST - Schoology

    Any missing Fitzers assignments

    College Exploration
    The Art Institutes
    School of Advertising Art
    Pittsburg Technical Institue

    IMD I


    Digital Photography Unit

    3rd Hour

    BPA Competitions - IMD \ Templates \ BPA \ 2013-BPA-Events
    pick top 2 judged that you want to do.

    Finish missing WOTD TEST - Schoology
    Complete Camera Terms WS and Part from yesterday.

    Any missing Fitzers assignments

    College Exploration
    The Art Institutes
    School of Advertising Art
    Pittsburg Technical Institue

    Tuesday, November 13, 2012

    IMD II

    Week 13 WotD

    Submit Package & Design Research Projects
    ---Templates :\IMD Share \ D-Turn IN FOLDER \ Packing-Design-PPT
    ---Save as Lastname-First Name

    Why You Buy Video and Worksheet.

    IMD I

    Digital Photography

    Student Data INFO-  Open from Templates
    IMD Intervention Program

    Open these
    Canon Site --Part 3 Review Q&A
    TERMS Read   + WS
    Camera Parts Worksheet

    Monday, November 12, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Weeks 13 Word of the Day

    Digital Photography
    Canon Site --Part 3
    TERMS  Read
    Aperture Opening


    College Visit  PTI

    Thursday, November 8, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Week 12 Word of the Day
     Jr-HW-12 + Sr-HW-12

    Photo App
    Music App


    Digital Photography
    Canon Site --Picture Style

    Intervention Program Form
    Academic Performance
    IMD Understanding
    Finalize & Present mini-research

    Wednesday, November 7, 2012

    IMD I

    Week 12 Word of the Day

    6 Grading Periods - How does it affect me?
    Digital Photography
    Canon Site  --Starting with AF section

    Finish mini-research presentation

    Both JR & SR
    College Visit -Art Institute
    Download App


    Monday, November 5, 2012

    IMD II

    Week 12 Word of the Day

    Open this --MUST Read 

    Dropouts are more than eight times as likely to be in jail or prison as those with at least a high school diploma.

    Over the course of his or her lifetime, a single high school dropout costs the nation approximately
    $260,000 in lost earnings.
    • Dropouts earn $9,200 less per year than high school graduates and more than $1 million less over a lifetime than college graduates.10

    • The government would reap $45 billion in extra tax revenues and reduced costs in public health, crime, and welfare payments if the number of high school dropouts among 20-year olds in the U.S. today, which numbers more than 700,000 individuals, were cut in half.

    Seventy-one percent of teens know someone who has dropped out of high school. When asked what those dropouts were doing now, 46% said they were unemployed; 53% said raising a child; 39% said working in a low-paying job; 29% said involved in a gang; and only 13% said the dropouts they knew were in a successful career.
    Mini-Reseach Project
    Research Question- How does packaging affect our purchasing?

    Gather data - info, facts, case studies, sample procducts & images that supports your findings.

    Prepare a short presentation in PowerPoint that shares your findings
    Intro - Body - Conclusion

    Presentation will be graded based on the following
    1. depth of research (facts supported by data or research NOT your opinion)
    2. at least 1 case study not from book
    3. creativity of presentation
    4.  effectivness of info (does it show strong evidence)
    5. conclusion of final thoughs

    Sources:  Have 1 slide that has all links to location of your findings.

    IMD I

    Week 12 Word of the Day 

    Digital Photography

    Canon Site

    Plus worksheet

    Friday, November 2, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Sequence of Activities1. Wotd Behind MONITOR
    2. Take wotd test --Schoology

    Jr- Explore Canon Part 1

    Sr- Review Chp 11 + Qz

    Thursday, November 1, 2012

    IMD II

    Week 11 Word of the Day +  Wk 11 HW-Sr

    SR (Project) Research or IMD Capstone

    9ws + 6 terms =  Caveat  -->caveat is a modifying or cautionary detail to be considered when evaluating, interpreting, or doing something.

    Journaling for the 1st grading term.
    Word document - Default settings for margins, font and line spacing.
    Title it My Journal ----put your Full name in the Header
    How are you feeling about IMD this year?
    What have you learned this year that you did not previously know?
    What are you excited about most?
    Journaling about the Scary Movie Project. Answer these questions in your journal.
    What did you like best about the project?
    What did you like least about the project?
    What would you do different?
    What did you learn from doing the project?
    What are some outside factors that are effecting you school work?

    Graphic Design Soltuions Book
    Read pg 280 -299 (chap 11) Graphic Design Solutions Book -skip case study
    15 question Qz Friday

    IMD I

    Week 11 Word of the Day  + Wk 11-HW-Jr

    Digital Photography discussion

    Canon Site

    Digital Photography + Worksheet

    Journaling for the 1st grading term.
    Word document - Default settings for margins, font and line spacing.
    Title it My Journal ----put your Full name in the Header
    What do you think about IMD so far?
    What have you learned this year that you did not previously know?
    What are you excited about most?
    Journaling about the Scary Movie Project. Answer these questions in your journal.
    What did you like best about the project?
    What did you like least about the project?
    What would you do different?
    What did you learn from doing the project?

    Wednesday, October 31, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Video as AVI or Quick Time on Jump drive ---give to me

    Have Group Select DVD Sticker to be used

    Film Festival to Start upon subtractive minutes needed.

    Jr -
    Photography Guided Exploration
    Lesson Objectives:   Be able to explain the following things
    (1) define term (2) explain how it effects a photo (3) explain when you would use it to intentionaly get a desired result
    1. Shutter
    2. Aperture
    3. ISO

    Capstone Project Proposal
    I want to do my capstone on _______. The reason I want to do it on _______is because. I am planning on having _________ as my client. I am going to create________for them. I intend on using __________ as my mentor. They will be able to help me with _________. I will research_______

    Tuesday, October 30, 2012

    Wotd Wk 11

    Uniform UPDATE --Ask Me What?

    Final Touches to video

    Non-Editors Make DVD Sticker

    Design Specs
    Both are 5x5 @ 300 DPI
    Use this template ---> IMD \ Templates \ Photoshop \ DVD sticker
    Save to IMD Share - D Turn in Folder--Movie DVD sticker Design

    Monday, October 29, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Week 11 WotD

    Open Lab Day for Video
    All Editors need to have a final product today.
    All others need to work towards any of the following things
    1. Missing work
    2. Absent students from Friday -Take wotd test --
    3. % deduct but finish Acceleration Editing article & do assignment
    4. % deduct but finish
    Moviemaking Techniques FAST SLOW CUTTING & do assignment
    5. % deduct but finish
    Complete this Read Editing Info and complete WS
    6. Update Time Sheet
    7. Review BPA options and start planning
    8. JR- Explore area of IMD of choice --SR - Capstone
    9. Extra Credit tutorial in Photoshop- Tutorial of Choice - Medium difficulty needed

    From Fitzer --LAST CHANCE for getting work in for the 9 weeks. Save to ~~ late work.

    Today's ForecastStrike 1 ---Is right now
    Strike 2 ---Only Warning
    Strike 3 ---Game Over

    Friday, October 26, 2012

    IMD I & II

    OGT Schedule     JR - Rotate at 11:11    Sr - Rotate at 2:10

    Sequence of Activities
    1. Turn wotd to back tray
    2. Take wotd test --Schoology
    3. Read Acceleration Editing article & do assignment
    4. Watch Moviemaking Techniques  FAST SLOW CUTTING & do assignment
    5. Complete this Read Editing Info and complete WS
    6. Update Time Sheet

    ***Special NOTE: If you are the editor for your movie you can do Items 3 & 6 over the weekend and bring in on Monday. 

    Take Test on Schoology Week 10

    Read this Article Acceleration Editing

    Answer these questions on a blank sheet and turn into tray with your name on it.

    1. Production time is routinely__________ & _________?
    2. What was audiences taught to assume?
    3. The 90 minutes or so it took the woman to meet her date could be shown in_______?
    4. What is the major value to editing this way?
    5. What is the title of this article__________?

    Video to Watch:  Located Templates - Video

    1. Moviemaking Techniques  FAST SLOW CUTTING

    Directions: Watch video & list 5 Major Key parts/points from video. Use a blank sheet & title it Moviemaking Techniques with your Name on it. List video clip & 5 things from it.  Turn into Back Tray.

    SM Work ----In school Filming or Editing

    Complete this--> Read Editing Info and complete WS

    Extra Credit WOTD Assignment 
    NOT 2 B DONE in Class -Due Start of class MONDAY
    Will not count if Thursday & Friday in class activities are not complete

    Thursday, October 25, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Week 10 Wotd  Jr-HW-10    &  Sr-HW-10

    1-3 10:18 - 12:03
    6-8 1:19 - 3:01

    JR - Rotate at 11:11
    Sr - Rotate at 2:10

    WOTD HW & Words Located: Templates - WoTD

    Extra Credit WOTD Assignment 
    - NOT 2 B DONE in Class -Due Start of class MONDAY
    Will not count if Thursday & Friday in class activities are not complete

    Word of the Day Pop Qz on memory

    Update-- Time Sheet-

    Video's to watch:  Located Templates - Video

    1. Izzy Video 20 - Cutting
    2. Izzy Video 12 - Cut Away Shots

    Directions: Watch both videos & list 5 Major Key parts/points from EACH video. Use a blank sheet & title it Izzy Video's with your Name on it. List video clip & 5 things from it. Do it for both. Turn into Back Tray.

    SM Work ----In school Filming or Editing

    Wednesday, October 24, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Week 10 Wotd

    1-3 10:18 - 12:03
    6-8 1:19 - 3:01
    JR - Rotate at 11:11
    Sr - Rotate at 2:10

    Word of the Day Review

    Update-- Time Sheet-
    SM Work ----Independent

    Worksheets if needed---video stuff

    Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Week 10 Wotd

    OGT Schedule

    1-3 10:18 - 12:03
    6-8 1:19 - 3:01
    JR - Rotate at 11:11
    Sr - Rotate at 2:10

    Fill Out Time Sheet-- Located at IMD\Templates\Time card

    OPEN Premiere
    Importing Footage
    Premiere Settings

    Track 1
    Movie Team Talk & Planning
    1. Current Progression
    2. Finish Storyboard & Planning Doc's
    3. Shot List

    Track 2
    Read Editing Info and complete WS

    Monday, October 22, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Week 10 WotD

    OGT Schedule
    1-3 10:18 - 12:03
    6-8   1:19 -   3:01

    JR -  Rotate at 11:11
    Sr -   Rotate at   2:10

    Importing Footage
    Premiere Settings

    Track 1
    Movie Team Talk & Planning
    1. Current Progression
    2. Next Steps
    3. Assign Tasks
    4. Implement Strategies

    Track 2
    Read Editing Info and complete WS

    Thursday, October 18, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Wotd HW ---Turn into Tray
     Pin Design ----Due Yesterday --See Tuesdays blog for turn in procedures

    Juniors & Absent Sr from that day but not Boot Camp
    Camera Angles WS + Video Jargon PAST DUE- Last Chance
    Missing Schoology Tests

    Camera Check Out Requirements
    All of these need to be complete with GREAT Detail

    Camera Canon Vixia HFM32  Overview
    Canon Vixai HFM32 MANUAL  or \Templates\Video  -Save 2 Dropbox

    MAYBE ---->Advance Shooting Open Video QZ 20 pts

    Wednesday, October 17, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Early Dismiss Schedule

    Wotd- Jr- HW-9   + Sr-HW-9

    Check IN on tasks from Tuesday.

    Continue to plan, learn and work as a team.

    Show evidence of learnng -
    Share Synopis / Treatment of story to me

    3rd Hour
    Turn in BPA pin as a (PSD) to IMD \IMD Share\D-Turn IN FOLDER \ Pin Design
    Complete any missing Schoology Tests from week 6-8 - Tell me if you do one
    Turn in any additional work that is outstanding

    Tuesday, October 16, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Juniors and Seniors

    Week 9 Word of the Day --put it in your book

    Lots of stuff here: Read through the whole post before clicking on the links.

    Everybody EXCEPT the Treatment and Script Team need to go through this link and read over ALL parts of it. This is great info ---Read THIS

    This will give the script team time to get things in place for the other steps to take place.

    Director - Keep your production team on track -Read all of the below info to make sure you know what everybody is doing. Go through the link above because you have to be good at ALL areas.

    Treatment --needs finished ASAP  --read the link above after treatment and script are complete

    Script Team- Complete by end of period - Long periods so make it happen  --read the link above after treatment and script are complete

    Storyboard Designers - Link above is VERY important to this group also research storyboarding info
    Great storyboards will help everybody involved in the film.

    Shot list  - can't really be done till storyboard is complete (but get a general list going) - Identify all of the different place that you will be shooting and the things needed for the shots.

    Grips –Gear-Lighting:  Lots of homework here. Your task is to put the lights or other gear in the right place to get the right look.  Check out this info for Lighting for Low Budget or this if that did not work HERE

    Camera Operator & Camera back up -- read up on the Canon vixia HFM32 - this will be the camera that you will be using unless you have one of your own.  Make sure you hit the Cinematography on the above link----real good stuff

    Director of Photography --Make sure you hit the Cinematography on the above link----real good stuff

    Motion Graphics –Intro title sequence - Credits  Don't know if this link will work at school but if it does not just search Motion Graphics for Video    <----read that

    Audio Post - Make a list of the extra audio that you will need to record to enhance your video. Go through the Pro Scores in the Templates \ Video \ FX    After that search the net for audio techniques for video.

    Video Editor Read the link but pay close attention to the link for editing --this one  Also start watching videos on how to edit in Adobe Premiere or Final Cut.

    Special Effects -Make a list of the extra sFX that you will need in your video. Think about the things that can be done in camera as well as in post. Go through the  Templates \ Video \ FX -  tons of great stuff in there

    Talent / Actors - Read over this info for Tips for ACTING   <----every actor needs to read this

    Sequence of Events
    Learning of each job / role

    Monday, October 15, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Week 9 WotD

    Infinite Campus - Print out your IMD Grade total

    Scary Movie Groups (8 person Group) min # 7

    Identify these roles

    Script Team + Treatment
    Storyboard Designers
    Shot list  
    Grips –Gear-Lighting
    Camera Operator
    Camera back up
    Director of Photography
    Motion Graphics –Intro title sequence - Credits
    Audio Post
    Video Editor
    Special Effects
    Talent / Actors

    Sequence of Events

    1. Treatment
    2. Script
    3. Storyboard
    4. Shot list
    5. Creative groups audio-Motion Graphics
    6. Filming of movie
    7. Import
    8. Edit
    9. Special effects - Audio
    10. Export
    11. Upload

    Friday, October 12, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Recap College Visit
    Wotd Behind Monitor

    WotD Test ----DO NOT start yet

    Polish Treatment
    Add- Shared Common Object
    Common Theme

    Generate List of 7 people to be in your group

    View Trailers

    Extra Credit Option
    Do The Jingle
    • All submissions will be uploaded by SafeAuto.
    • From October 1, 2012-November 30, 2012 at 11:59pm,

    Thursday, October 11, 2012

    IMD I & II

    WotD + Jr Wk 8 HW     and Sr-Wk-8-HW

    If you can not print it write out terms and definitions for the past 4 WEEKS

    Review Links below
    Files LocatedIMD :\Templates\Video\Other-Stuff

    Write Treatment for Scary Movie

    3rd HR - College Visit

    Wednesday, October 10, 2012

    IMD II

    Discuss  Camera Angles + WS Together IN class (HW for those ABS) ACT-kids exempt
    Be able to tell me info about the following TYPES of
    Framing or Shot Length, Camera Angles & amp; Camera Movements

    Class discussion
    Video Jargon <---Learn this [Study any way you would like]

    3rd Hour
    BPA (Sales Pitch) Due EOP end of period

    Review Links below
    Storyboard INFO
    Files LocatedIMD :\Templates\Video\Other-Stuff

    Type a Treatment for a Scary movie -ALL people will need one

    Clearance SALE 50% OFF Items
    Pin Design Eval
    bubbles containing ideas for projects
    3 companies U could do something 4- List company, ph, address, website & project U could do
    3 different mentors / experts
    Idea Worksheet

    IMD I


    Izzy Video 07 - Dolly Shots
    Izzy Video 05_ Panning

    Files Located
    IMD :\Templates\Video\Other-Stuff

    Discuss Videos
    Qz about Camera Angles + WS
    Be able to tell me info about the following TYPES of
    Framing or Shot Length, Camera Angles & Camera Movements

    Video Jargon <--- Use this to complete ---> Work Sheet

    3rd Hour
    BPA (Sales Pitch) Due EOP  end of period

    Review Links below
    Storyboard INFO

    Tuesday, October 9, 2012

    IMD II


    Scary Movie ---After info below is done

    Pin Design Eval 10% off today

    Seniors Finish all the Capstone Reasearch -NO POIINTS After Today
    1. Various different bubbles containing ideas for projects
    2. 3 companies U could do something 4- List company, ph, address, website & project U could do
    3. 3 different mentors / experts
    4. Idea Worksheet

    5. Continue to write a letter asking a person to be your mentor.....This is a rough draft.

    Yearbook -Never picked up yearbook-
    Zachary Hall, Dalton Knight, Brynna Mcguire, Samantha Moore, Malaney Nicholson, Brad Orange, Justin Paige, Justin Rivers, Jessica Sexton, Ben Stout, Chris Sturgell, Christina Testa,Breyana Whitesides, Leie Huyette, Brandon Atwood

    IMD I


    Get your word

    Read THIS

    Script Frenzy

    Watch Video Clip - Simple Special FX ---Located IMD:\Templates\Video

    Read Camera Angles + Complete WS
    Be able to tell me info about the following TYPES of
    Framing or Shot Length, Camera Angles & Camera Movements

    Monday, October 8, 2012

    Week 8 WotD

    Word of the Day Wk 7 MakeUpTest----No later than Tuesday @ 3pm Schoology

    Peer Review pin design

    Look at Friday's Blog Post to finish up CAPSTONE Stuff.

    IMD I

    Week 8 WotD

    Word of the Day Wk 7 MakeUpTest----No later than Tuesday @ 3pm Schoology

    Peer Review pin design

    Practice your leadership speech

    Friday, October 5, 2012

    IMD I + II

    --- HW B-hind MONITOR---

    Word of the Day Test----Log into Schoology

    Polish you pin design
    Polish your leadership speech

    Finish all the Capstone Reasearch
    1. Various different bubbles (listed below-was assigned last week or so)
    2. 3 companies (make them a bubble)
    3. ALL the things that you could do for that company (make each thing a bubble)
    4. The 3 companies you could do something for
    5. The 3 different project ideas --RESEARCH each are deeply
    6. The 3 different mentors
    7. Idea Worksheet

    Continue to write a letter asking
    a person to be your mentor.....This is a rough draft.

    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Field Trip TODAY

    Get WotD Done

    JR HW 7

    SR HW 7

    Wednesday, October 3, 2012

    IMD I & II

    Week 7 Word of the Day

    Field Trip Permission Form DUE NOW  -In tray Under the clock
    Professional Dress - PHOTO - Show me it

    BPA Pin Design -Also Located --IMD:\Templates\BPA\2012-13 Ohio Pin Contest

     - From BPA State Director - Switch Discover to Uncover Your Magic.

    Design Check OFF
    1. 5x5 at 300 dpi
    2. Use of copyright materials will result in disqualification
    3. Relate to Ohio and National BPA theme,  Uncover Your Magic
    4. 2013
    5. DO NOT Flatten your image

    Once Complete- Start FRESH new design

    3rd Hour
    FT 101  @ PN, Bus, Lunch, Dress, Actions
    Professionalism  - Hand-Eyes-Mouth  + Body Language
    BPA Research Activity(Sales Pitch)  Look @ Events IMD:\Templates\BPA\ 2013-BPA-Events

    Tie A Tie