Wednesday, October 16, 2013



Class Web Site CLICK HERE

ALL Students know exactly what to do

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Class Web Site CLICK HERE

ALL Students know exactly what to do

Jr      Liger Design Wrap Up + Extra Credit Ligar
         Liger Project - Clone stamp 2 different Animals together 1 head & 1 body
Any completely done with all things cause enjoy creative time in Photoshop, Premiere or Audition

Sr     Find 10 Logo's that you think will inspire the creation of your logo (Save in Folder in Student Log In)   

         Sketch a concept design for your business logo 

         2:00 to 3:00 pm  safety assembly
Finish any of this  Pepsi Questions WS   +  Wrap up he Pepsi Logo's & the Mac Logo   

Etxra Credit - Make 1 Pepsi Logo of Choice (Your Creation)

Friday, August 30, 2013


Class Web Site CLICK HERE

ALL Students know exactly what to do

Jr     School safety assembly from 8:05 - 9:05 am

         Liger Project - Clone stamp 2 different Animals together 1 head & 1 body

Sr   Logo Evaluation
  Pepsi Questions WS   

    Complete the Pepsi Logo's & the Mac Logo   
Etxra Credit - Make 1 Pepsi Logo of Choice (Your Creation)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Welcome to Day 1  -- 


Seating Assingments
Photoshop Lesson Content Aware

Seating Assingments
New ID #'s 
you do not need to put an "s" in front of their student ID to login. So student log-ins are their six digit student ID (Reminder: they must add zeroes in front of their number if it is not six digits)
Planning out the year
Company Creation
Jump Drive INFO

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


15 minute of lab cleanup
15 minutes study time for exams
15 minutes of prep for IMD exam.

Third hour IMD awards

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Server Clean out

Lab Computer Desktop Clean up

PS practice

Schoology Pre-Test Exam Today or Tomorrow

Friday, May 24, 2013


Last regular day of IMD

15 minutes to submit any work to BEST folder

90 minutes for Web Site Work

9am Voting

10:10 Awards

EXAM info
Tues-English, Science & SS
Wed-English, Science & SS
Thur-Lab, Math & Skills
Fri-Lab, Math & Skills + Any makeup exams

Thursday, May 23, 2013



Hours -2.5 per day missed
Grades  --College Credit
Scholarships - 2.0 & 2.5

Best of Class
Graphic Designer            
3D Modeler       
Video Editor      
Web Designer  
Most Likely to Succeed 
Most Motivated              
Most Improved               

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Mass Check off of all assignments on blog yesterday.

Study WotD -- Work on Review Sheet

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Update IMD Understanding
Capstone Results
IMD Awards

Passport Ceremony Thursday @ CCHS

Graphic Design Solutions Book
Joshua Jansen
Taylor Page
Frankie Pecina
John Schneider
Cody Smith
Samuel Thompson
Austin Wilburn


-work list to check off

Multiplicity Composition  Monday May 20
Floating Subject -- -Thurs- May 16
Lastname-Blend-1.JPG  & Lastname-Blend-2.JPG    Wed May 15
Paint object- light in several ways -Blend several file into 1-- Tues May 14

Photo Enhancements  - photos from May 3
-----Enhance 1 of the photos you shot [Portfolio Quality] 
-----Enhance 1 of the photos someone shot of you [Sr Picture Quality]

Magazine Covers May 1
-----Product Bieber & Steve Jobs Covers

10 ?'sQz about Green Screen Photography April 29

Monday, May 20, 2013


Update IMD Understanding
ReTake Certiport
Capstone Results
Report to IMD @ 1:30 tomorrow
PAssport Ceremony Thursday @ CCHS


Our last Photo Activity of the Year is going to involve some multiplicity.

What did you learn or figure out reading this--- THIS

Plan your shoot

Friday, May 17, 2013


Exam Time

May 17-Fri - IMD Exam WotD on Schoology

20-Mon -  CertiPort Re-Test + IMD Exam Application Based

Assigned Thursday ----Thank U Letter [25 pts] must be hand written- full page single space.  Notebook paper only, which is available in front of the room- Open thanks u letter.PDF file in IMD\Templates



Make sure that you are 100% done w/ work from Wednesday.

Continue to edit your compositions using files shot yesterday to create the illusion of floating people.

Our last Photo Activity of the Year is going to involve some multiplicity.  Please Read ALL of these pages to prepare for next week. Read THIS

Work on the word of the day review sheet.
Still done—make a Blended Image using script to layers automation to make an image using a combination of images from your painting w/ light as well as my two folders fromWednesdays activity. If you are still reading then this means you will also know that this activity will count as extra credit if all of your other work is complete. Also. do not tell your friends about this. Have a great friday. I would have loved to be here today but I have been augmented to a mandatory day of absence with regard to contractual usage days quota allowance. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


MAY 16-Thurs-

Thank U Letter [25 pts] - Open thanks u letter.PDF file in IMD\Templates

1. CertiPort study and take another practice exam -if U haven't Passed
2. Wotd Review WS--
3. CHECK UP --Clean Server - save to your drop box and flash drive
4. Look at Portfolio Gathering top 10 [25 pts]
5. Open Schoology Acct.

May 17-Fri - IMD Exam WotD on Schoology
20-Mon -  CertiPort Re-Test + IMD Exam Application Based


Wotd Review HW

Wrap up painting w/ light
Review Script info

Open light painting & special effects photography

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Next 4 class days

need to double check that all parts of your capstone is turned in to proper folder
N:\IMD Share\DiMasso\D-Turn IN FOLDER\SR\Capstone Final

MAY 15-Wed -
1. CertiPort study and take another practice exam 3rd hour-if U haven't Passed
2. Wotd Review WS-- more avialable by BW printer
3. Clean Server - save to your drop box and flash drive
4. Portfolio Gathering top 10 [25 pts]
5. IMD related design of choice

3rd HOUR
CertiPort Practice Test RE-take
Web Site Work

16-Thru - CertiPort Re-Test -Schoology Acct. Dbl Check - Wotd Review WS
17-Fri - IMD Exam WotD +
20-Mon - IMD Exam Application Based + Thank U Letter [25 pts] -



Light Painting Blending of Images
Create a Blend of your images shot Tuesday- 
Students absent on Tuesday --BORROW someone elses images to do this.
Look at yesterdays image link to get a better idea how to do this.


Steps to create a Blended Image 
1. Open Photoshop
2. Click File --Scripts -- Load Image into Stack
3. Select your images
4. Check mark to try to align images-
TIP- you may want to look at the image so that it is straight up and down. To do so go to Image ---Image Rotation --Click 90 CW
5. Change Blend modes to Lighten
*- TIP- after making layer mode to Lighten Right click and select Copy layer style.
Now select all layers Except the Bottom layer using shift click and now Right click and select Paste layer style. --ALL will not be on Lighten Blend mode.
6. Mask out areas you do not want to see.
7. Adjust opacity on layers as needed
8. Turn off layers if you do not want that layer
9. Clone stamp to get rid of unwanted stuff
10. Save File as Lastname-Blend-Own.JPG
11. Save to IMD Student Data in your folder

Repeat steps for the following 2 sets of images
Files located  N:\Templates\Photography\Light Painting
Folder 1 ---   Blending Light Painting 1
Folder 2 ---   Blending Light Painting 2

Make 2 composition. One from each folder
Follow steps as listed above
-- Save Folder 1 File as Lastname-Blend-1.JPG
-- Save Folder 2 File as Lastname-Blend-2.JPG
-- Save to IMD Student Data in your folder

3rd Hour
Continue to polish the work from the Light Blending Images
by the end of the day you should have a total of 3 final images. 1 from the Tuesday shoot and 2 from the images I provided.

Once complete, GOOGLE light painting and find 5 cool shots that you would like to try to shoot. Save images to N:\IMD Share\DiMasso\Photography\Light Painting Ideas
Rename the files as your lastname-LP1 and so on to get credit.
 lastname-LP1  and then  lastname-LP2  and then   lastname-LP3  ect....

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Week 34 ---JR Only
Photo Qz - Schoology

Paint an object- light it in several ways.

Next 5 class days

need to double check that all parts of your capstone is turned in to proper folder
N:\IMD Share\DiMasso\D-Turn IN FOLDER\SR\Capstone Final

14-Tues - CertiPort Test Day [% of Exam]
15-Wed - CP study-Clean  Server - Wotd Review WS--Portfolio Gathering top 10 [25 pts]
16-Thru - CertiPort Re-Test -Schoology Acct. Dbl Check - Wotd Review WS
17-Fri - IMD Exam WotD +
20-Mon - IMD Exam Application Based + Thank U Letter [25 pts] -

Monday, May 13, 2013


Week 34 ---JR Only

Photo Discussion
Open Photo Session

Next 6 class days

need to double check that all parts of your capstone is turned in to proper folder
N:\IMD Share\DiMasso\D-Turn IN FOLDER\SR\Capstone Final

13-Mon -
     Return Graphic Design Book
     CT-Follow Up form

14-Tues - CertiPort Test Day [% of Exam]
15-Wed - CP study-Server Cleaning - Portfolio Gathering top 10 [25 pts]
16-Thru - CertiPort Re-Test -Schoology Acct. Dbl Check - Wotd Review WS
17-Fri - IMD Exam WotD +
20-Mon - IMD Exam Application Based + Thank U Letter [25 pts] -

Friday, May 10, 2013


Open LAB [Finish Items in this order]
1. Photograph any missing work
2. Magazine Covers
3. Finish Photo Enhancements
4. Web Portfolio - Fitzer
5. Light Painting Experimenting
6. Film in Fitzer's

Open LAB [Finish Items in this order]
1. CertiPort Studying
2. Web Portfolio - Fitzer
3. Film in Fitzer's
4. Missing assignments
 May Day
7:57-8:30              Period 1
8:34-9:07              Period 2 
9:10-9:43              Period 3 
9:47-10:19         Period 4 
10:23-10:56         Period 5 
11:00-11:33         Period 6 
11:36-12:09         Period 7
12:13-12:45      Period 8
12:45-3:01            May Day

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Wotd 33

May 9 -Thru - Review & Practice Test [up to 50pts] -

Next 7 class days
10 -Fri - May Day
13-Mon - Thank U Letter [25 pts]
14-Tues - CertiPort Test Day [% of Exam]
15-Wed - CP practice -Server Cleaning - Portfolio Gathering top 10 things [25 pts]
16-Thru - CertiPort Re-Test -Schoology Acct. Dbl Check - Wotd Review WS
17-Fri - IMD Exam WotD +
20-Mon - IMD Exam Application Based


wotd 33

Light Painting-
Large Group DEMO
Shooting Objectives
1. paint 1 object
2. paint 1 person
3. shoot creative shot

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Wotd 33

1. Discussion of questions
2. Review of content
3. Practice Test Review

Next 8 class days
 9 -Thru - Actually Practice Test [50pts]
10 -Fri    - May Day
13-Mon - Thank U Letter [25 pts]
14-Tues - CertiPort Test Day [% of Exam]
15-Wed - CP practice -Server Cleaning - Portfolio Gathering top 10 things [25 pts]
16-Thru - CertiPort Re-Test -Schoology Acct. Dbl Check - Wotd Review WS
17-Fri    - IMD Exam WotD +
20-Mon - IMD Exam Application Based


Wotd wk 33
Finish Photo Enhancements & 2 Magazine Covers

Save to
N:\IMD Share\DiMasso\D-Turn IN FOLDER\Jr\2 Sr-Pics
N:\IMD Share\DiMasso\D-Turn IN FOLDER\Jr\Magazine Covers

File names should be saved as follows

Light Painting Experiment
-Gather Needed Tools
-Correct Camera Settings

THIRD Hour - Open LAB [Finish Items in this order]
1. Photograph any missing work
2. Magazine Covers
3. Finish Photo Enhancements
4. Web Portfolio - Fitzer
5. Light Painting Experimenting

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Wotd wk 33

Finish Photo Enhancements
Enhance 1 of the photos you shot [Portfolio Quality]  [50pts] Assignment
Enhance 1 of the photos someone shot of you [Sr Picture Quality]  [50pts] Assignment

Light Painting
Look at the link above to see what Light Painting looks like.
Research and Answer the following questions
1. What should the camera be on for it mode - Aperture / Shutter Priority, Auto, Manual??
2. What is a recommended ISO?
3. What setting should the lens be on?
4. What is a typical shutter speed?
5. What is a typical aperture setting?
6. Should the camera be on a tripod or hand held?
7. What should the light in the room be like?
8. How does the camera record the light but not the person moving it?
9. What is the typically source of light when paint in the light?
10. What does bulb mode allow you to do?

WebXam Make-Up

CertiPort  Pre-Test & Practice [25pts] Assignment

Monday, May 6, 2013


Wotd wk 33

Photo Enhancements to Photoshoot from Friday
Enhance 1 of the photos you shot [Portfolio Quality]
Enhance 1 of the photos someone shot of you [Sr Picture Quality]

Absent Friday?
--Get a camera and shoot 4 different backdrops w 2 different subjects

Next Activity ---Light Painting
Look at the link to see what Light Painting looks like.
Begin some research on how to do Light Painting

WebXam Today

Friday, May 3, 2013


Jr- Photo Shoot

WebXam---- Monday
Review---- Use Windows Explorer then it opens in word
N:\Templates\WebXam\Webexam       1-10

CertiPort Review OYO & WM

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Week 32 Wotd of the Day  + Jr HW

Magazine Photo Assignment-
Finish Product  Bieber & Steve Jobs Covers

Add't Assignments Photo GS1
1. Use Green Screen using Color Range to Image of choice
2. Place image on new digital backdrop   --N:\IMD Share\DiMasso\Photobackdrops
3. Name file as Lastname-GS1

Add't Assignments Photo A1
1. Open a Low Key Image of choice
2. Action Based adjustment to images
3. Glamblur & Blk & Wh
4. Name file as Lastname-A1

CertiPort Assignment & Review
Sample Test Practice
Word of the Day Activity

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Week 32 Wotd

Yesterday was practice---TODAY we will shot an image for a magazine cover.

Task: Shoot 2 images that can be used on the cover of Time Magazine & Billboard.

Green Screen Photography -
Billboard magazine is looking for an image that can be superimposed on their cover of the Justin Bieber

Low Key Photography -
Time magazine is looking for an image to go in place of the Steve Jobs image.......

CertiPort Account Set UP
WebXam Activity

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Week 32 Wotd

Green Screen Photography
Low Key Photography

Prep 4 your career
WebXam Activity

Monday, April 29, 2013


Week 32 WotD

Review Green Screen Photography
Create a Lighting set up for Green Screen Photography [15pts]
10 Question Qz about Green Screen Photography [10pts]

CreativeLive-- 2 shows-- websites & commercial photography

Capstone Recap
Create Folder in N:\IMD Share\D-Turn IN FOLDER\SR\Capstone Final
Save your End Product - Your PPT and your Paper
Save as last name-Product        last name-Presentation    last name-Paper 

WebXam Sections 2, 3 & 5 ------May 6th
    Here is a HyperLinked Version IM WebXam Competencies

Important Dates
May 6 ---WebXam
May 8-13 CertiPort Exam
May 16 SR Awards @ Home school 8am CC & FH ---9am GC & W
May 16 Sr Breakfast [8am W]
May 21 Mandatory SWCA Passport Rehearsal 1:45 cafeteria
May 23 SWCA Passport Ceremony 7pm @ CCHS
May 28 Sr Breakfast [8am GC]
May 31 Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal 9am
May 31 Graduation [7pm W]
May 31 Sr Breakfast [8am CC & FH]
June 1 Graduation [11am GC] -- [3pm CC] --[7pm FH]

Friday, April 26, 2013



NO - Wotd Test

Capstones are coming to an end today. From what I have seen...a majority of you have done a great job. Keep it up.

Finish capstone Presentations
 Schedule is below

All others--
Watch Creative Live on 2nd screen

Update your journal
Entry Name ----Capstone:
Answer the following things
What did U find most difficult about the capstone?
What did U like most about the project?
What would U do differently?
What was the major thing U learned?
How do U think your presentation went?
What advice would you give a next year student?
How should Mr. D do things differently?


Prep and practice CertiPort info
Info located at IMD Templates

12:20 Wolford, Rachel OR Brown, Victoria
12:35 Grubb, Damien
12:50 Ferguson, Matthew
1:05 Gauthier, Zachery
1:20 Jansen, Joshua
1:35 McGinnis, Charles
1:50 Schneider, John
2:05 Taylor, Rebecca
2:20 Veikley, Xander
2:35 Wolford, Rachel
2:50 Smith Cody


JR---Turn in HW

NO - Word of the Day Test

Adjust and do post productions to 1 additional image you shot or a shot of you. Choose an image that is portfolio quality....not one of the creative silly images

Do the following things
1. Adjust WB
2. Adjust Exposure + Contrast
3. Retouch skin blemishes, Sharpen eyes & soften skin
4. Retouch background
5. Crop image to increase composition
6. Apply filters to background
7. Adjust background to increase overall look.
8. Save to same folder + a backup to student log in folder as PSD
9. Name it Lastname-PhotoRT1  Ex. dimassoRT1

Green Screen Photography
Research 10 tips for shooting photography on a green screen
Next week we will be shooting on green screen and changing out the background.

HANDwrite the Tips ----Again HAND write the tips NO credit will be given for printed list of tips.
Put your name at the top of a sheet of paper and title it Green Screen Photo Tips.
List 10 tips
Find and watch 1 video ---take notes on the same page.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


WotD - 31 + HW    Juniors ONLY   ----No HW for Sr's

Open Adobe Bridge
Get access to your photos

WB - Exposure - Sharpness - Composition - Naming

Posing Activity
Basic + Femine sitting
Standing for Male & Female

Capstone Presentations
Keep EVERYTHING---presentation, paper and product here

CertiPort Prep for those who presented Wednesday or are done today

25-Apr 26-Apr
Thursday Friday
12:20   Brown, Victoria
12:35 Almonte, David Grubb, Damien
12:50 Jackson, Andrew Ferguson, Matthew
1:05 Page, Taylor Gauthier, Zachery
1:20 Limes, Luke Jansen, Joshua
1:35 Shasteen, Jonathan McGinnis, Charles
1:50 Sheppard, Nathaniel Schneider, John
2:05 Del Pozo, Katarina Taylor, Rebecca
2:20 Strawser, Shayne Veikley, Xander
2:35 Thompson, Samuel Wolford, Rachel
2:50 Pecina, Frankie Smith Cody

Key Dates
May 6 ---WebXam
May 8-13 CertiPort Exam

May 16 SR Awards @ Home school 8am CC & FH ---9am GC & W
May 16 Sr Breakfast [8am W]
May 21 Mandatory SWCA Passport Rehearsal 1:45 cafeteria
May 23 SWCA Passport Ceremony 7pm @ CCHS
May 28 Sr Breakfast [8am GC]
May 31 Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal 9am
May 31 Graduation [7pm W]
May 31 Sr Breakfast [8am CC & FH]
June 1   Graduation [11am GC] -- [3pm CC] --[7pm FH]

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Week 31

Photo shoots

Capstone Presentations

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Week 31 0---WotD

Lighting set ups and demos
Loop Lighting
Butterfly Lighting
---basic & femine posing

Prepare for Presentation
-Practice Presentation start at 1pm Today maybe earlier for those leaving

Monday, April 22, 2013


Week 31 Wotd

Lighting set ups - Demo

Create and Design ---Presentation Slide Show for Capstone
IMD      CAPSTONE Presentation
24-Apr 25-Apr 26-Apr
Wednesday Thursday Friday
12:20 Armstrong, Devin Bowers, Misha Brown, Victoria
12:35 Davis, Alexandrea Eitle, Houston Grubb, Damien
12:50 Goff Jr, C J Hessler, Jeffrey Ferguson, Matthew
1:05 Jackson Jr, Brian Kierns, Isaac Gauthier, Zachery
1:20 Jackson, Andrew Kruczynski, Laura Jansen, Joshua
1:35 Limes, Luke Shasteen, Jonathan McGinnis, Charles
1:50 Del Pozo, Katarina Sheppard, Nathaniel Schneider, John
2:05 Page, Taylor Smith, Zachary Taylor, Rebecca
2:20 Pecina, Frankie Strawser, Shayne Veikley, Xander
2:35 Wilburn, Austin Thompson, Samuel Wolford, Rachel
2:50 Heath, Glen Almonte, David Smith Cody

Friday, April 19, 2013


Wotd HW turn in

Capstone Completition of Product


Talent Show (shortened rotations)
Wotd Test
Turn in HW

Discuss Photo assignments from past 2 days

Thursday, April 18, 2013



Product Due Tomorrow
Presentations next week April 24-26 to panel of judges.

Use your whole day to finish up. Mr. Hoying will be the sub and most of you know him. Share your product with him and get some advice from him.

Work on your slide show presentation if your complete with your product.

Slideshow should include
Cliff notes of what your paper was about and what you learned from the research. Probably good to have about 2 to 3 photos that support your paper for the presentation.

Info about your product -- Photos of the work in progress or stages of production or the act of doing your project.

A sample of your final product --video, photos, prints, online display  ---ect

Should have 1 to 2 pgs about Mentor and documented contacts with him or her

Should have 1 to 2 pgs about Client and documented contacts with him or her 

As well as some form of a conclusion.

If you need a camera to shoot your project see Mr. Fitzer.

I will be back tomorrow.


WotD Homework write out terms and definitions for the past 4 weeks. Wk 27-30.

Read over this info and Watch this video  The link has the article that needs read.

Beauty Light

We will be trying to shoot with this style of shooting tomorrow.

Answer these questions using the link not the video

Using the first photo to answer these questions from the link
1. Is this a broad lighting set up or a short lighting set up. Key is to look at the nose shadow.

2.  Notice that the background is out of focus--Is this considered shallow depth of field or great depth of field?

3. In the Lighting Set up Sections she mentioned that she normally shoots f8-f11 but for this shoot she set the key light to expose at f ______?  Why did she do that?

4. What is the major point of the reflector as mentioned in the link----yeah it adds light but what specifically does she state it does for this shoot?    

5. In the Extra section what doe she states that the wind can add a lift and movement to the hair which in turns as a little movement can really ____________________

Use the video to answer the following questions

6. What style of light is this referred to ________________________?

7. What kind of lens does she say is needed ___________________?

8. What does the over exposure do to the subject, the skin tone, and imperfection?

9. What additional stuff does she tell you about the reflector in the video ----Angle ?  ----   Location  ?   What it does to the eyes and pores?-

10. How does the look of the set up change when the key light is shut off?

11. What did you like most about this video info?

12. What is the most important thing that you learned?

After finishing this info you can start on your word of the day assignment

After completing your WotD --- find additional reading about lighting set ups.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Capstone Check Point on Product TODAY—
Are you done?
When will you be done?
FRIDAY is final Turn IN

Presentations April 24 & 25

Chose your autonomy within these confines
1. Capstone ---Product, Presentation or Contact Interactions
2. Certi-Port ----Info@ IMD\Templates\Certi-Port


 Week 30 WotD

On a sheet of paper TITLED Lighting Patterns w/ your name on it...

Answer the following questions.
1. What is the major difference between short and broad light?
2. What light pattern is best for most subjects?
3. What light pattern is best for skinny subjects?

Use the photo of the 3 face shots to answer the following questions—same sheet of paper

4. In the photo listed MASK—What side of the face is the main light on?
Answer Option ——A. her right side or B. her left side
NOTE: When I say her right side I am referring to the photographers left side.

5. Is the photo being lit from the short side or the broad side?
6. How do you know what side of the face it is being lit from?
7. Does the broad side of the face show more of the face?

Now for the next set of questions Read this info 6 Lighting Patterns
8. What are the 6 lighting patterns?
9. What is a major difference between the light patterns?
10. Which lighting pattern do you think looks best? WHY?
11. Which lighting pattern creates a hook shadow on the side of the nose?
12. Which light pattern is named after a painter?
13. How can you identify a rembrandt photo?
14. The article says that by studying your subjects face you will learn ______________________ will be best for them, and for the type of ___________________ and ______________________desire.

15 Which lighting pattern is given its name based on the shape that is created under the nose?
16. The butterfly lighting techniques also emphasizes wrinkles ____________

Answer the following info From this site—

17. Portrait lighting systems usually includes at least _____ light sources.
18. One light is called the _____________ and the other is the _________________
19. Summarize Broad lighting as list on this site
20. Summarize Short lighting as list on this site
21. Summarize Butterfly lighting or Glamour lighting as list on this site
22. Summarize Split lighting as list on this site.

Now turn this into the sub....——Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Week 30 WotD

Posing Slides Presentations
Info about head shots

Chose your autonomy within these confines
1. Capstone ---Product, Presentation or Contact Interactions
2. Certi-Port ----Info@ IMD\Templates\Certi-Port
3. WebXam ----Info@ IMD\Templates\WebXam
4. CreativeLive --LightRoom --If 1 thru3 are done

Monday, April 15, 2013

IMD I & ii

Week 30 Word of the Day

1. Update Journal & Student Folder
2. Journal Prompt - These are the 3 things that I can do better at to finish the school year great...

Photo Posing Info --Presentations
Save Ppt to ----IMD Share\D-Turn IN FOLDER\Jr\Posing PPt
Save as both people's last name

Complete Tasks 1 & 2
Define autonomy -- using 3 sources -Will share as a class
Chose your autonomy within these confines
1. Capstone  ---Product, Presentation or Contact Interactions
2. Certi-Port ----Info@ IMD\Templates\Certi-Port
3. WebXam  ----Info@ IMD\Templates\WebXam
4. CreativeLive --LightRoom --If 1 thru3 are done

Friday, April 12, 2013


Week 29 Test Word of the day

Powerpoint of posing

Follow UP Contact Sheet -- 15 pts
Capstone FINAL Paper due
Plagerism ='s a F